Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The image of a perfect woman?

Right, so I bet many of you heard of fitspo. Well I also have friends who post many times on my Facebook about being fit. I have blocked it since all it does is tear me down. Now let me explain why.
When I was in the crucial point of growing, I was involved in a bad car crash. My right ankle was shattered and my whole leg was fractured up to my hip. My left ankle and leg up to my knee where fractured. Because of that the growth hormones went to my legs producing extra muscle and bone to strengthen what was broken. Also I didn't know but there were lacerations on my liver and pancreas so those were needing to be healed.
So in the end my legs just had an over abundance of muscles. So when I see pictures like this one:
I feel like I'm not beautiful. CLEARLY if I don't have a gap between my thighs then I'm very ugly and not worthwhile for any guy. I mean clearly you need to have all of these 
if you want to be the PERFECT woman right? WRONG!!!!!!

Because obviously the women above are not beautiful at all. No that's just ugly. Oh let me share one of my pictures of me.
Yeah that's me. Right I'm ugly because what we have as the image of women is how I should be. Please don't EVER believe that! It is not true and is so stupid that so many people say that it is the perfect woman. First off only be healthy, being healthy does not mean your body will look like that, what it means is your health will be better, you'll have better sleep, and stamina for the day.
Second play this song if you ever feel down. Mika is a hero for doing this song. 
And most of all Believe in your own beauty. No image can capture your true worth.
(All pictures are copyrighted to their owners. Except for the picture of me, that's mine. :P)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Taking a whole week to not judge anything or anyone.

I know that sometimes people are quick to judge me because of my being LDS (i.e. Mormon). Yet I try really hard not to judge them. And many of my friends have taken that same step.
Since I am part of a religion I know that people judge me quickly. You believe in Jesus Christ and God? I do, and why because they are the example for how we need to treat others, and how we need to help them. So is that a bad thing? I don't think so.
I've gained an understanding that isn't really thought of and I will explain it first from my churches perspective and then the perspective you probably know. So in my church we talk about the three glories, or the Telestial, Terrestrial, and Celestial kingdoms. Now I hear a lot from others in my ward how we have to be "perfect" in following the commandments of God. So I asked myself and God was it true? One of the things that gets confused a lot is that many feel if you're not in our church and living the commandments given by God that you will be condemned. Now let me first explain there is only one way to do that, denying the Holy Ghost or in other words you choosing to condemn yourself.
So what am I trying to get at, well this people will be given whatever makes them happy. That's all. One of the interesting things I learned about God is that he only wants us to be happy and to live together, he doesn't condemn and he NEVER will condemn. 
Sounds intense I know and many of you of other faiths or beliefs will state how I'm very wrong. But let me ask you why would He make a Heaven and Hell if He truly didn't want you to live with what makes you happy?
Sometimes I thought that it was really silly how many in my ward would state how they know their friends aren't truly happy. I had introduced the gospel to one friend and she decided it wasn't right for her. She found another church and I supported her by going to her baptism and remaining her friend.
I have several gay friends, and I know that what they believe and how they live is what makes them truly happy. I have sisters who believe in different things and they are happy.
I've learned that if someone asks about my beliefs I will share them and invite them to learn more, but that if they choose something else that it means they are happy with their life. Now of course none of my friends have been murderers, or rapists, but that's a whole nother ball park.
But just because someone thinks differently from me doesn't mean I cut them out of my life. Instead I support them on whatever it is, that is not harming others or themselves.
I got yelled at by someone who was of a faith after he saw me going "aw" to my gay friends kissing out in public. I told him that they didn't have a problem but that he did. He of course took offense and stomped away. For me if it isn't hurting others and the other party is truly happy with that faith why judge?
Just my thought for the day now enjoy this amazing song that should beat out all the songs on the radio.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!