Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, June 29, 2012

So I just got done spending time with my most favorite animals ever! WOLVES!!!
I volunteer at the U.S. Wolf Refuge and it is the best thing for me out of everything. I enjoy going up there and being ransacked by the wolves. Now keep in mind these are rescued wolves. Meaning that they have lived with humans before so they aren't that afraid of humans. If you were ever to meet a wolf in the wild they would avoid you.
Anyways I got give a good rub down to Tully, brushed Nikita's fur and just got several kisses from Shiloh. It is the best being around these guys and getting greeted by howls. I love it especially when I'm so bunched up with stress of money that I grind my teeth to a point that it hurts.
So what is this post about? It's about volunteering.
Right now in this country there is no push to help each other, because well the government should be doing all the helping right? WRONG!
If we as a whole world can't help our fellow man ourselves, not with the government; then how do we expect to help the world?
You see one of my problems with the government giving out freebies is that they aren't even helping us. They are just shoving down our throats what they think will help. But the government can't help us, not in the ways we cry for them to.
We have to help each other. As humans we need to stretch out the hand and help another. Now mind you some will say they don't need help ok, just let them carry on and move on to the next person. What I love seeing is somebody help an elderly woman with her groceries to her car. A person whose car is broken down has a stranger help them fix it. Or even for me I've gone into stores wishing to buy something and a random stranger buys it for me.
These acts are all amazing and special because these people show that they care for their fellow man and not just themselves.
I'm about 24 (in three months) but I love helping another. I love being able to change someones tires. Pay for the person behind me order, or just give an elder my ear so they have someone to talk to. It's just something that makes me feel better and makes the one I helped feel better.
If I'm asked by someone to help I drop everything just to help them. Doesn't matter if I'm late to work or wherever if I can help I will. I think that we as the whole world need to reach out the hand of brotherhood and help one another.
As encouragement reach out a hand today. If you can't find someone to help go help by donating blood, or go to a shelter and love the animals there. You can always do something. So get out there and do it, money can wait but love it can't.
Keep Believeing!

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