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Hello Blog World!!! And welcome to another blog about.....*drumrolllllllllll*......RELATIONSHIPS!!!!!! Ta-Da!!!! :D
Relationships are so frustrating sometimes. Like my old relationship with the Aussie, man I couldn't get those stupid rose colored glasses off from my eyes around him.
But I couldn't. And now I'm dating this guy whom I never have rose colored glasses on around. I see him for who he is and my whole being trusts him when he tells me to trust him.
So last night he explained how he wanted to date other girls while dating me. I was ok with that feeling that he should get to know other girls and not just me. Well he suggested I date other guys which yeah....Ain't gonna happen. Why? Well first off guys asking me out NEVER happens. That's why when he first asked me out I was stunned. It had been 2 or more years since my last date. Wow a really long time, and he was a guy I was crushing on big time.
And the other reason, well he's just someone very special to me. When I see him I smile and just feel so glad to see him.
So then why is it that I'm letting him date other girls? Well two reasons. First if he truly doesn't want to become something more with me, he then can find the girl whom he does want to become that way with. Would my heart hurt like H-E-Double hockey sticks?? Yes, yes it would. But if he was truly happier with that other girl over me I would let him go.
It would kind of be like this.
Guy: "I really enjoyed being with you. But I found someone who has completed me. It's not you, it's me."
Me: "I-i...understand." *kisses guys cheek with tears in my eyes* "bye..."
Yeah something like that.
The other reason is that maybe I am the type of girl he would want to get more serious with. And his dating all the different girls will show him all the great things about me. Like that when I cry it's over something serious and real and not just me being on my time of the month.
Or the fact that when it comes to kids I'm super patient and make the boring things super fun for them. Or the fact that I am just Donelle who is a crazy girl. :)
Either way I feel it is ok. But I won't deny my nervousness about the whole idea. I mean darn, I'm falling for this guy, like legit falling in love with him.
In the end he doesn't know that yet. Well if he reads this now he knows, but hey dude if you are I'm not in love with you yet. Just falling for you right now.
He sometimes put himself down as being a weak man and I always just want to let him know that he isn't that weak.
I wish that he would know that a strong man is the guy who doesn't fully push someone into doing something that they don't want too. Yeah he is one of those. He respects me and when he looks at me I can tell.
Relationships are hard and I wish that I could say yes I know the answers to all relationship problems. But I don't and I'm slowly learning more about a real relationship. I have hope is all.
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