Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Gamer Girl T-shirt
Gamer Girl T-shirt by DizzyDebbie
Browse Online gamer T-Shirts online at
Now just give me a moment as my nerdy gamer girl side let's loose. *inhales* ..................YYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! AH-HAHAHAHAHA WHOOT!!!! YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!! YEEE-HAAAAA!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *catches breathe, and returns to proper posture*
May I just say that this year at E3 will be the biggest in a long time! With the exciting announcements of Sony's PS4 to Microsoft and the new Xbox, some rumors have even come up about Nintendo releasing some big news.
And for icing on the cake, a trailer of the new Batman: Arkham Origins will be released at the Convention, can I get a what what? Oh yeah it is a big deal. On top many Japanese companies have talked about bringing more of their games to the state. After the success of Ni No Kuni!
Anyways I'm just nerding out about all of this and my friend has made me nerd out more by allowing me her Netflix to enjoy my fav animes, like Ouran Host Club!!
Anyways I'm snacking on some pizza rolls, listening to tweets and videos about the E3 Convention. And just having a ball. Hope you all are having a fantabulous day!!

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