Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, May 3, 2013

Being strong to the end right?

I always wondered where is my life going? I use to think that I did but now I've realised I have no clue where my life is going. I only know that I am trying to be the best me that I can be, and well that's it.
I have a YouTube partnership and here I'm able to write about my thoughts and feelings. I don't know when or where I will make money I just know that I am here wandering around trying to think and learn.
Sometimes I wonder if I should just stop trying to lead my life in the way I want and just let it flow the way it is suppose to. Kind of like how you can't really force a river to change it's course, like a river like the Mississippi. That river is huge and really could never be changed same goes for the Nile and many other large rivers. When I thought of that I remembered you see we are nature. Our bodies have the same genetic compounds as the soil you walk on.
So just like nature we should stop pushing too much to have what we feel is best for us. In nature it is determined what is best. I feel that already what is best for me has been laid out I just need to relax and let it unfold before me. I always have hope for better things to come.
I'm going to just relax and see where nature takes me on this wild ride called life. 

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