Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Monday, July 15, 2013

The road is long and not easy.

Inside Batmans Mind Print
Inside Batmans Mind Print by ZarpOnline
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Batman Urban Hip Poster
Batman Urban Hip Poster by batman
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So how many of you have seen the show The Walking Dead? Or maybe even Game of Thrones? In these shows we look at the character and feel like, I could SO do what they do and man is their life easy. Or maybe after reading Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings you felt that way? Or while playing a video game you just sit there and stretch being like, "Yup, I'm so pro!"?
I have done it, sometimes I read a story and am like, "why can't that be me?" I love this one book website it is called It is a website where you get to become the character. I won a competition, and have three of their books. I am in love with these books because I can pretend to slip away from the world with them for a while.
While being here we have to all face challenges. Whether you want to admit it or not you know there is a higher power than you that kind of runs your life story. Whether you think you're a Sim or you are religious like me and believe in a God. Either way you notice it and understand it. The accidents you've faced, the bullying, the abuse, the sorrow, the disappointment, and the failure. Sometimes you feel like yelling, "THIS IS NOT FAIR!" Right?
We don't understand why things work the way that they do. For some a death of a family member causes a break down. For others, like me, it causes growth and strength in becoming a better person. The fact of the matter is that whatever happens doesn't affect you but your emotions and how you handle them do.
For me seeing the after effect of the car crash at ten and being alone while in the hospital didn't cause me to be negative. Instead I smiled and said that I knew that good things would come. In the end I could say that wasn't true. My father died, then my Uncle passed away. After their deaths I was bullied, not just by classmates but by teachers, friends, and police. Then I couldn't graduate from high school because of a math proficiency. And then I lost my second book from a corrupt hard drive, when I was only 200 pages away from being down.
Shall I go on, of course not. Why? Because it is sad and hard but I feel strong. I have a lot still to deal with in this life, but I choose to smile. I have the most amazing friends in my life now who do love me. I have a chance to finish that second book. I have a wobbly cat who loves me. I also am having fun just being me and not being hated.
In this life we have a choice in everything that happens in our lives. But we can not stop everything that happens in our lives. So do you just break down and give up? Or do you stand up and feel hope?
In countries where war is always a threat, or where they are forced to live under a dictator, or are taught to hate, there are still so many there who believe in hope and love.
I believe in this world becoming filled with love and hope, no more hate, no more feeling oppressed, and race will never be said again because we will all see each other as family in the human race. :) I feel hope even in this time of struggle and fear. I will be successful and will be able to do what I can to show for many more people how to just believe in themselves.
We are the change needed in this world. So let's start by changing our hearts.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are right--our attitude and our outlook in life does make the difference in how happy our lives are.
