One of the things I have realized is how we as people have forgotten to be kind to each other. Have you ever just stopped and seen how people will say things just cause they think they're funny? But really they are belittling someone for the whole purpose of being "funny." But when it comes to someone doing the same to them they flip out and claim being offended.
I was made fun of for dressing up as the Joker for the special event called Superhero Hope. Superhero Hope was an event I did for the sole purpose of helping others dressed up in costumes. All though it may seem silly it is lots of fun and plenty of people get a big smile. I luckily don't care about being judged by others. Learned to stop caring the first time I was bullied.
But it surprised me how easily others could make such cruel jokes about me, and not care? I feel as humans we have lost the one thing we all thrive on being kind and loving each other with out a care of who or what you are. I feel we need to call it quits in all these fights and wars they aren't helping and all I see is families and friends being torn apart.
I challenge you to go out and give service in your town. I guarantee if you do that then there will be change.
I will post a picture soon of me in my costume till then.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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