I've recently learned that if you learn too much you start to overload your conscious brain. Now most of you know that your brain has to workings, conscious and unconscious. The unconscious is your breathing, digesting, pumping, and healing. Basically if your unconscious brain didn't work then you wouldn't be alive. That part of your brain is the one that uses the full 100% capacity of your brain. So it's the only part that NEVER stops working, good thing though else you'd be dead.
But our conscious brain is what we learn with. So when you are born you know how to speak but not in a language understood. So you learn a specific language where you live. Your conscious brain is the one that decides if it is sexually stimulated, happy, sad, or angry. Basically your conscious brain is in full control of your emotions.
On top of that your conscious brain is the one who will mess with your unconscious brain. You can manipulate your body yourself. It is a lot to take in correct? Whenever you heard of that whole we only use 10% of our brains it is in regards to your conscious awareness. Our brains and bodies are so powerful just imagine if you consciously were fully aware of all that power. Well your brain might explode or be in an intense amount of pain. I've been learning a lot recently, and through out this learning process I've had to relax take a moment to just calm myself down.
I've had barely any luck with that. Because I am so curious and because I love to explore, learn, and push past the boundaries of reality I tend to not remain in one spot of mind at one time. I'm always jumping at the opportunity to learn more and more. I've began to ask the simple question one that anybody would flinch at, how human is God?
Yet we never seem to stretch our minds to try and understand that. You see ever since I learned more about Kinesis powers and how they work the more curious I grew about them. Where did these powers come from? How did people of old have these powers? Why do so many of us now a days hide our powers?
I've realized that we are all nervous of an unknown knowledge. Basically a knowledge that only the unconscious brain knows all about. Can we ever tap into that knowledge of our unconscious brain? Can we ever truly have 100% understanding of our world, the universe, and our own lives and how they are to be played out?
I don't know, but I do know this you have to be willing to explore. The most closed minded of people are the ones who never think outside of what they are told. The ones who never test or push the boundaries of what they are told. Many famous minds learned more because they did such a thing. Is it so terrifying to learn all this information? Yes there will be people who will hate you and disagree with you. There will be those who will seek your pain.
Many of the Asian culture have kept themselves hidden learning more of the mind. Learning control of kinetic powers, and how to heal people with out the use of medicine. They know how to create things that were never once there. I need to slow down my brain is so filled with a desire to learn more but I have to be careful.
I know this much we are trapped in worlds of our own creations where we just lay down and believe we don't question, we don't push, we don't learn. As comfortable a world that is I want to learn more. I want to push the bonds of my reality, I want to test this world to the full extent. I want to learn my bodies full powers, but again I don't know if that can ever truly happen. But as I always say...
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Friday, January 17, 2014
Gonna be taking a week long break.
I was watching this really interesting video on YouTube. It is called Top 35 Extraordinary Human Powers and Abilities. If you haven't seen it please take some time to watch it right now:
I'll wait.
No really you need to watch this. I'll just be down here.
So you watched it? Did anything click and make you just say "Oh my." It did for me, because certain things I've experienced in my life have always confused me. Usually it was simply brushed off that it was just something else.
Something to fit our reality, a reality limited by creativity and journey. More often than not people like to stay in their little shells of perceived realities. What is real? Are you even real? Or are you just someone else's reality?
Am I seriously making you wonder and think? What if what you are reading is exactly what you want to read and not what I write? Reality is something that even scientists can't explain. Even they can't say that you are "real" in the term that it has been given.
By your senses though you can feel yourself, you can taste things, see things, and much more. But yet we should all know there is much more to our perception.
Just because you see it does it make it real? One interesting thing about drugs like LSD or Acid is they deform reality. But many people call it hallucinating. But is it really hallucination or is it actually the manipulation of reality. For some they state that it is a huge possibility that reality was manipulated.
You see they know that technology isn't that recent, in fact Apple may not be as high tech as we think.
They have found batteries, other kinds of equipment that may even show how they built Stonehenge and other large artifacts. A lot of people have discovered that it was possible they had even more high tech equipment back then than we do now.
But where did that knowledge all good, how was it all there and then gone? Reality manipulation, what others say to you defines your reality. Many popular stars would say it's very true.
In fact it is proven. You are the proof. What did you have said to you as a kid? How did people talk about your dreams? Did others believe and say you would be successful?
You may have noticed how your life is easier compared to others. Maybe how money just seems to find it's way to you. Or how you have a strong talent in the area of your dream.
When I watched the above video I realized more of why we are here. This earth is very unique to all the other planets we know. It can have wildlife of all kind in the air, oceans, and lands. It has a magnetic field that still isn't fully understood. It produces beautiful lights, and keeps us protected from the suns powerful rays.
How did this planet come to be was it really just a big bang or was someone not of this earth bending reality in the milky way to create this earth? It seems crazy and I get that, but you know what I like being crazy it opens my mind to things beyond what we claim as knowledge.
Can humans fly and levitate? Yes. Can they manipulate earth, fire, water, weather, and electricity? Yes. We are incredible how our bodies work how they function is incredible they have so much strength.
I very much encourage exploring more about your body and what it could be capable of. Maybe I am crazy, or maybe you're in a reality where you've limited your capabilities.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Hey guys so I've got work for the next several days. So there won't be a new post till then. Thanks for reading. :)
No really you need to watch this. I'll just be down here.
So you watched it? Did anything click and make you just say "Oh my." It did for me, because certain things I've experienced in my life have always confused me. Usually it was simply brushed off that it was just something else.
Something to fit our reality, a reality limited by creativity and journey. More often than not people like to stay in their little shells of perceived realities. What is real? Are you even real? Or are you just someone else's reality?
Am I seriously making you wonder and think? What if what you are reading is exactly what you want to read and not what I write? Reality is something that even scientists can't explain. Even they can't say that you are "real" in the term that it has been given.
By your senses though you can feel yourself, you can taste things, see things, and much more. But yet we should all know there is much more to our perception.
Just because you see it does it make it real? One interesting thing about drugs like LSD or Acid is they deform reality. But many people call it hallucinating. But is it really hallucination or is it actually the manipulation of reality. For some they state that it is a huge possibility that reality was manipulated.
You see they know that technology isn't that recent, in fact Apple may not be as high tech as we think.
They have found batteries, other kinds of equipment that may even show how they built Stonehenge and other large artifacts. A lot of people have discovered that it was possible they had even more high tech equipment back then than we do now.
But where did that knowledge all good, how was it all there and then gone? Reality manipulation, what others say to you defines your reality. Many popular stars would say it's very true.
In fact it is proven. You are the proof. What did you have said to you as a kid? How did people talk about your dreams? Did others believe and say you would be successful?
You may have noticed how your life is easier compared to others. Maybe how money just seems to find it's way to you. Or how you have a strong talent in the area of your dream.
When I watched the above video I realized more of why we are here. This earth is very unique to all the other planets we know. It can have wildlife of all kind in the air, oceans, and lands. It has a magnetic field that still isn't fully understood. It produces beautiful lights, and keeps us protected from the suns powerful rays.
How did this planet come to be was it really just a big bang or was someone not of this earth bending reality in the milky way to create this earth? It seems crazy and I get that, but you know what I like being crazy it opens my mind to things beyond what we claim as knowledge.
Can humans fly and levitate? Yes. Can they manipulate earth, fire, water, weather, and electricity? Yes. We are incredible how our bodies work how they function is incredible they have so much strength.
I very much encourage exploring more about your body and what it could be capable of. Maybe I am crazy, or maybe you're in a reality where you've limited your capabilities.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Hey guys so I've got work for the next several days. So there won't be a new post till then. Thanks for reading. :)
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Where are all those who are willing stand for what they know is true?
I grew up in a small town of 3000 people with a large military base. Where even to this day if you visit you'll be greeted by bombs going off. And if you go for a swim in the lake you'll find missiles lying around.
It's my small hometown and it is surrounded by other even smaller towns. And in this town most people carry guns. And I was taught the safety needed for guns.
In my hometown if there was ever a threat it was usually taken care of quickly. Yet recently some really sad and strange things had been happening. Now I have to do some history to tell you what all caused this.
It leads back to the big man in the white house. Yup Obama, now he became president in 2008. Let me give you an idea of why he is not good for our country and why I wish he would be impeached.
I was a part of the graduating class of the year 2007. I didn't go to college until 2008 when Obama was elected. A lot of people who I asked why they were voting for him said, he gives great speeches. First off so did Hitler, even fact he was praised for his great speeches. Hmmm, not very good to compare Obama as a great speaker. Especially when he lied so much.
When I went to school we hit the first recession. During that time it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to even imagine getting a job. The other fun gas prices went from $1.20 to $3.20. And I always wondered why people still liked him.
One of my friends who was gay told me that he liked him cause he would legalize gay marriage in the country. Now trying to explain to my friend that it was up for the invidual states on that issue was basically impossible.
I realized how sad it was, now mind you I don't know everything about politics but I knew this much, others weren't even bothering to study what he was saying.
I've been so tired with seeing people staying comfortable. I'm a Mormon and my ancestors were Pioneers who crossed the plains in the freezing cold of the winter. Many of them died, but they took the risk and gave up being comfortable to be able to live a life filled with truth. Now for many if you know a TRUE Mormon you know they are kind and caring and live the best that they can.
I always wondered if you were told to choose between comfort and living what you truly believe which would you choose. I already can say most would stick with comfort. Being comfortable is human nature we HATE being in a chaotic situation that causes problems.
I've decided to be done with that I'm gonna be one of those loud voices that stomps out what so many people are comfortable with. Let's basically cause chaos. I've said before I love the Joker, don't worry no death threats or anything stupid like that. But I'm going to expose what you are doing that is comfortable is dumb. How you need to step out of your comfort and dive into the chaos.
Take that risk take that dive, you never know if you'll change the world until you take that chance. I am one person but there have been so many "one persons" who've changed the world and the way we view things.
Dian Fossey is one, Jane Goodall is another, and the recent movie of the Lone Survivor; Marcus Lutterll. They were one person and they changed how we see the world. One person makes all the difference in a good or bad way.
Hitler, Napolean, Joan of Arc, King George the third, and so many more. We've had a few presidents in the US who were like that. Russia has, China, Japan, in reality every country as had bad people. In fact I find it laughable when someone says white people are so terrible. Guess what WE in the whole world are terrible.
Happy basically we are all terrible, because we otherwise sit back and don't do anything or we actually stand up and risk our lives. I think about many times of people taking risks and their lives were at stake. So why are we who have only money and comfort to lose so afraid to speak up?
Let's not sit back anymore let's stand up and shout it to the world that we want there to be change! That we all want to earn more, that we all want to the chance to grow! Let's shout how we all as human beings need to help each other! That we all need to love each other whether we believe different, have different sexual attractions, or are different race and culture!
How about if you took that challenge? How about you tell someone you see on the road that they are beautiful even if you don't know them? How about you push your comfort aside and take risks needed to start a wave of change?
I'm doing it I'm gonna be a risk taker! I'm diving into the pool of chaos and the unknown. I'm building what I hope to see in the future! Let's do it together will you join me?
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys so as you can see I'm pretty fired up, I'm planning to write a blog post every weekday. I won't be able to next week because of my job but after that be prepared. :)
It's my small hometown and it is surrounded by other even smaller towns. And in this town most people carry guns. And I was taught the safety needed for guns.
In my hometown if there was ever a threat it was usually taken care of quickly. Yet recently some really sad and strange things had been happening. Now I have to do some history to tell you what all caused this.
It leads back to the big man in the white house. Yup Obama, now he became president in 2008. Let me give you an idea of why he is not good for our country and why I wish he would be impeached.
I was a part of the graduating class of the year 2007. I didn't go to college until 2008 when Obama was elected. A lot of people who I asked why they were voting for him said, he gives great speeches. First off so did Hitler, even fact he was praised for his great speeches. Hmmm, not very good to compare Obama as a great speaker. Especially when he lied so much.
When I went to school we hit the first recession. During that time it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to even imagine getting a job. The other fun gas prices went from $1.20 to $3.20. And I always wondered why people still liked him.
One of my friends who was gay told me that he liked him cause he would legalize gay marriage in the country. Now trying to explain to my friend that it was up for the invidual states on that issue was basically impossible.
I realized how sad it was, now mind you I don't know everything about politics but I knew this much, others weren't even bothering to study what he was saying.
I've been so tired with seeing people staying comfortable. I'm a Mormon and my ancestors were Pioneers who crossed the plains in the freezing cold of the winter. Many of them died, but they took the risk and gave up being comfortable to be able to live a life filled with truth. Now for many if you know a TRUE Mormon you know they are kind and caring and live the best that they can.
I always wondered if you were told to choose between comfort and living what you truly believe which would you choose. I already can say most would stick with comfort. Being comfortable is human nature we HATE being in a chaotic situation that causes problems.
I've decided to be done with that I'm gonna be one of those loud voices that stomps out what so many people are comfortable with. Let's basically cause chaos. I've said before I love the Joker, don't worry no death threats or anything stupid like that. But I'm going to expose what you are doing that is comfortable is dumb. How you need to step out of your comfort and dive into the chaos.
Take that risk take that dive, you never know if you'll change the world until you take that chance. I am one person but there have been so many "one persons" who've changed the world and the way we view things.
Dian Fossey is one, Jane Goodall is another, and the recent movie of the Lone Survivor; Marcus Lutterll. They were one person and they changed how we see the world. One person makes all the difference in a good or bad way.
Hitler, Napolean, Joan of Arc, King George the third, and so many more. We've had a few presidents in the US who were like that. Russia has, China, Japan, in reality every country as had bad people. In fact I find it laughable when someone says white people are so terrible. Guess what WE in the whole world are terrible.
Happy basically we are all terrible, because we otherwise sit back and don't do anything or we actually stand up and risk our lives. I think about many times of people taking risks and their lives were at stake. So why are we who have only money and comfort to lose so afraid to speak up?
Let's not sit back anymore let's stand up and shout it to the world that we want there to be change! That we all want to earn more, that we all want to the chance to grow! Let's shout how we all as human beings need to help each other! That we all need to love each other whether we believe different, have different sexual attractions, or are different race and culture!
How about if you took that challenge? How about you tell someone you see on the road that they are beautiful even if you don't know them? How about you push your comfort aside and take risks needed to start a wave of change?
I'm doing it I'm gonna be a risk taker! I'm diving into the pool of chaos and the unknown. I'm building what I hope to see in the future! Let's do it together will you join me?
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys so as you can see I'm pretty fired up, I'm planning to write a blog post every weekday. I won't be able to next week because of my job but after that be prepared. :)
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
There is always a question of do you make change happen?
When I was going to school I was bullied. But I also was grateful for what my mother did. Now let me explain what would change our education system and that would make the change we NEED right now.
Let me first begin by telling you what all happened. When I was in Junior High School I was bullied not just by my classmates but by my math teacher. I've realized she was the one who made me feel like math was terrible. And I've seen how that hate continued for a while.
Every child learns in different ways, one may learn by drawing, another through writing, and another by doing several equations. I was kind of a combination of all three. What annoyed many of my teachers was how I would solve the problem with a different equation. Now math seems to have just one solution, but I've learned no it has many.
Here's the biggest problem of schools, we have lost the use of creativity. A child shouldn't be scolded when they state they believe in mythical creatures, nor should they be scolded when they decide that the grass is purple and the sky is pink. Ok do you see it?
How often were you told NO in school? I was told it many times and I ignored them. I had a 4.0 GPA and a lot of education just from my own curiosity in the world. I learned about all kinds of cool things because I was curious. I learned about the SARS virus, E Coli, and much much more. Just because my mother never told me don't explore.
Scientists would agree, we have to explore and think differently if we don't then how can we prove there is a magnetic field surrounding the earth and that it changes from time to time? Or that when you do something simple as mixing baking soda with vinegar it erupts into a thousand little bubbles? Scientists are curious and they like to figure out how something works.
A potato farmer was the one who made TV's. Two regular joes made the first airplane ever. And a man with nothing to his name designed the first ever car. Why? Because they choose to explore and use creativity in their lives. What we are doing is stomping out that rich desire of exploring. We are making yes men.
Now yes men are good at bowing down to a higher authority. They never look to push the envelope, to question the big man. They only know how to play it safe and not take risks.
Something I learned and this is sad was during WW2 many countries who weren't willing to be yes men to Germany were attacked. England being one of the large powers during that time stood against Germany, they were very much against the Nazi government. But there were many countries who stayed as yes men and weren't attacked. Those countries only know who to hide behind.
I'm very open and willing to take risks, because they make life fun. Yes sometimes you will get hurt but what is the point in living if you never take the chance to stand apart from the rest?
I've dropped one job and have moved on up with more work in my current job, and I have many more things I'm going to do. One of which is doing more on YouTube. We are the ones who are meant to create our world. Those in the time of WW2 desired for peace an end of war and they got it. We sit here still at war trying to find the one final man involved in the 9/11. I say bring our men and women home. If they attack us again then we go back. For now we just need to leave the world alone.
We need to focus on building our children up to think for themselves. But I don't know how we can do that unless we teach the yes men to step back and stop being that. Could it happen? I sure hope so.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me first begin by telling you what all happened. When I was in Junior High School I was bullied not just by my classmates but by my math teacher. I've realized she was the one who made me feel like math was terrible. And I've seen how that hate continued for a while.
Every child learns in different ways, one may learn by drawing, another through writing, and another by doing several equations. I was kind of a combination of all three. What annoyed many of my teachers was how I would solve the problem with a different equation. Now math seems to have just one solution, but I've learned no it has many.
Here's the biggest problem of schools, we have lost the use of creativity. A child shouldn't be scolded when they state they believe in mythical creatures, nor should they be scolded when they decide that the grass is purple and the sky is pink. Ok do you see it?
How often were you told NO in school? I was told it many times and I ignored them. I had a 4.0 GPA and a lot of education just from my own curiosity in the world. I learned about all kinds of cool things because I was curious. I learned about the SARS virus, E Coli, and much much more. Just because my mother never told me don't explore.
Scientists would agree, we have to explore and think differently if we don't then how can we prove there is a magnetic field surrounding the earth and that it changes from time to time? Or that when you do something simple as mixing baking soda with vinegar it erupts into a thousand little bubbles? Scientists are curious and they like to figure out how something works.
A potato farmer was the one who made TV's. Two regular joes made the first airplane ever. And a man with nothing to his name designed the first ever car. Why? Because they choose to explore and use creativity in their lives. What we are doing is stomping out that rich desire of exploring. We are making yes men.
Now yes men are good at bowing down to a higher authority. They never look to push the envelope, to question the big man. They only know how to play it safe and not take risks.
Something I learned and this is sad was during WW2 many countries who weren't willing to be yes men to Germany were attacked. England being one of the large powers during that time stood against Germany, they were very much against the Nazi government. But there were many countries who stayed as yes men and weren't attacked. Those countries only know who to hide behind.
I'm very open and willing to take risks, because they make life fun. Yes sometimes you will get hurt but what is the point in living if you never take the chance to stand apart from the rest?
I've dropped one job and have moved on up with more work in my current job, and I have many more things I'm going to do. One of which is doing more on YouTube. We are the ones who are meant to create our world. Those in the time of WW2 desired for peace an end of war and they got it. We sit here still at war trying to find the one final man involved in the 9/11. I say bring our men and women home. If they attack us again then we go back. For now we just need to leave the world alone.
We need to focus on building our children up to think for themselves. But I don't know how we can do that unless we teach the yes men to step back and stop being that. Could it happen? I sure hope so.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 3, 2014
Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting
“Philosophers”, “architects”, “dreamy professors”… These epithets are most often used to describe the INTP personality type. Forming around 3% of the population, INTPs love theories and believe that everything can be analyzed and improved. They are not that concerned about the real world and practical things – from the INTPs’ perspective, it is often less exciting than ideas and intellectual pursuits. People with this personality type have no difficulties noticing patterns where others cannot – this makes them brilliant theorists and analysts.
The accumulated knowledge is the most valued asset of any INTP. Imagine an immensely complicated clockwork which is constantly absorbing, processing and generating all kinds of theories – this is how the INTP mind works. People with the INTP personality type possess the most logically precise mind of all personality types – they can easily notice even the tiniest discrepancies between two statements, no matter how much time would have passed in between. It is a bad idea to lie to an INTP. They may appear dreamy sometimes, but this is not because their mind is resting – quite the opposite.
People with this personality type may also find it quite difficult to explain their thoughts to others, even when it becomes obvious that their theories are not easily graspable. INTPs may also move on to another topic before their co-workers or partners have figured out what the INTP wanted to say.
INTPs cannot stand routine work – they would much rather tackle a difficult theoretical problem. INTP personalities really have no limits when it comes to theoretical riddles – if there is no easy solution and the topic is interesting enough, an INTP can spend ages trying to come up with a solution.
INTP personalities are usually very shy and reluctant when it comes to meeting other people. However, INTPs can also be very friendly and confident when they interact with people they know well or talk about things that interest them. INTPs are flexible and relaxed in nearly all situations, except when their beliefs or logical conclusions are being criticized. In those cases, the INTP is likely to become very defensive and argue tirelessly.
Sharing many personality traits with other T types, INTPs do not really understand or value decisions based on feelings or subjective opinions. In their opinion, the only good solution is the logical solution – INTPs do not see a point in using emotional arguments. Such an approach preserves the “sanctity” of their intellectual method; however, this also makes it difficult for INTP personalities to understand other people’s feelings or satisfy their emotional needs.
Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends on your frame of reference.
Albert Einstein
Individuals with the INTP personality type are likely to be very open-minded and even eccentric. These traits, combined with their capacity for inventiveness and original thought, make up a very powerful mix – it is not surprising that INTPs are responsible for many scientific discoveries. An INTP is unlikely to care much about social expectations and the “usual” goals such as job security – however, they will do their best to find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed.
One of the few bottlenecks that INTPs impose upon themselves is their restless fear of possible failure. No other personality type worries that much about missing a piece of the mental puzzle or overlooking some crucial fact that might lead to a better solution. Unlike their more confident INTJ or ENTJ cousins, INTPs could spend ages reflecting on their actions. Even when an INTP is arguing with someone, this should be taken with a grain of salt – they might as well be arguing with their own mind.
So I was told about this whole personality test, and I froze when I saw the results. Now a lot of my friends may think I'm not the first, which is an Introvert. I am very much an introvert, I hate being around other people. I only like being around the few whom I close with, when I go out for events as soon as I get home I just want to cuddle up with a book or play some videogames.
But the part of this text that surprised me was the romantic relationships. I really never thought about it but my ex from Australia would complain that I wasn't showing interest. I was so confused when he said that and would try to explain how I was. I then realized that I was just being who I am.
I read even more about how the keep their emotions to themselves, and how they don't let people in very easily. I sighed because well that is me. I don't hate in fact I love it. This is what makes me who I am. I am very unique in the way I do things even with this personality type being among others.
I've just realized, first off I need to get my freedom. Secondly I need to do what I want and the way I want to do it. Three I just need to remember that I have the education and knowledge I need. I'm not some idiot I have strength in how I work and do things. If you'd like to take the test then go here: http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
I hope you learn more of who you are and love yourself.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
What are your new years resolution?
Have you made some big plans for the new year?
As for me my big plans are these.
1. Get my book published by my birthday.
2. Start growing more in training for dogs and providing help for shelters.
3. Make Superhero Hope the biggest event in the world.
I'm just listing three because the rest are much more personal. First of all I've decided that I noticed one thing, as a society we just think we can't get to do what we want. We basically label ourselves as unable to go anywhere. Especially when we think about the economy the first thing to pass through our minds is there isn't enough money for everyone in this world. Excuse my language but BS. Ha did you think I'd actually curse, yeah no not gonna happen.
So why do I feel we can all make the difference we want. Well because if we couldn't then North Korea wouldn't be so scared to have outside visitors come, China wouldn't have the internet scrubbed to only show what they want the people to see. Many countries wouldn't make reading and learning be such a difficult thing. So why do they do that and why does the U.S. even have problems like that? Well simple. They are stuck in that mind set of there is only just enough for me and my family and no one else.
Lies, by the way there is a way to produce the amount of money you need. One of my favorite YouTuber is Markiplier, as a heads up he does cuss so if you want to watch him be prepared. Anyways he talked a bit about how he was going to school and then decided that what he really wanted to do was voice acting and YouTubing. He succeeded. When I thought about it I remembered other YouTubers, Nigahiga, Shane Dawson, Jenna Marbles, Ray =3, Pewdiepie, do I need to continue. I have a YouTube, but I haven't done more videos yet because I'm trying to get things figured for me to be living on my own.
I realized that really life doesn't require one to have to wait for someone to quit working so they can work. It requires a determination and taking risks. One of the most inspiring people I've gotten to know is Jane Goodall. If you don't know her do research on her like now! She was determined to help the people in the country she was in to learn to love the chimps there. She taught with love how man and animals can live together.
I just realized that we are fools if we honestly think that somehow things will run out. That we'll somehow deplete all resources. Let me explain some the earth is constantly sustaining billions upon trillions of lives, it is never short and it can always provide enough. I laugh whenever we say we are running out of room, ha no we are not we're just too stubborn to try for somewhere else.
I've made another goal to earn and save enough money to visit Tokyo, Japan. I want to finally take a risk, step outside of the world I've known my whole life and see the worlds outside of where I live. Heck even that time when I visited outside of my state felt like a whole new adventure.
I know that as we step out of our comfort zone and we push to make something change it will be terrifying. I know something else I've thought of doing would be looking into politics, but I don't want to be in the group. What I want to do is know how to help make the schools better.
Learn what you want to learn and find the way best for you to learn. Ignore what the teachers tell you is the best way to learn and instead take it upon yourself to be the one who learns how you solve problems. We have created so much and have learned so much more, so what are we afraid of when we take the risk to be who we are? Don't be afraid. Stir up the bees nest, make your life your own and do it your way. We don't have to hurt others or ourselves, we can be successful in doing what we know.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for me my big plans are these.
1. Get my book published by my birthday.
2. Start growing more in training for dogs and providing help for shelters.
3. Make Superhero Hope the biggest event in the world.
I'm just listing three because the rest are much more personal. First of all I've decided that I noticed one thing, as a society we just think we can't get to do what we want. We basically label ourselves as unable to go anywhere. Especially when we think about the economy the first thing to pass through our minds is there isn't enough money for everyone in this world. Excuse my language but BS. Ha did you think I'd actually curse, yeah no not gonna happen.
So why do I feel we can all make the difference we want. Well because if we couldn't then North Korea wouldn't be so scared to have outside visitors come, China wouldn't have the internet scrubbed to only show what they want the people to see. Many countries wouldn't make reading and learning be such a difficult thing. So why do they do that and why does the U.S. even have problems like that? Well simple. They are stuck in that mind set of there is only just enough for me and my family and no one else.
Lies, by the way there is a way to produce the amount of money you need. One of my favorite YouTuber is Markiplier, as a heads up he does cuss so if you want to watch him be prepared. Anyways he talked a bit about how he was going to school and then decided that what he really wanted to do was voice acting and YouTubing. He succeeded. When I thought about it I remembered other YouTubers, Nigahiga, Shane Dawson, Jenna Marbles, Ray =3, Pewdiepie, do I need to continue. I have a YouTube, but I haven't done more videos yet because I'm trying to get things figured for me to be living on my own.
I realized that really life doesn't require one to have to wait for someone to quit working so they can work. It requires a determination and taking risks. One of the most inspiring people I've gotten to know is Jane Goodall. If you don't know her do research on her like now! She was determined to help the people in the country she was in to learn to love the chimps there. She taught with love how man and animals can live together.
I just realized that we are fools if we honestly think that somehow things will run out. That we'll somehow deplete all resources. Let me explain some the earth is constantly sustaining billions upon trillions of lives, it is never short and it can always provide enough. I laugh whenever we say we are running out of room, ha no we are not we're just too stubborn to try for somewhere else.
I've made another goal to earn and save enough money to visit Tokyo, Japan. I want to finally take a risk, step outside of the world I've known my whole life and see the worlds outside of where I live. Heck even that time when I visited outside of my state felt like a whole new adventure.
I know that as we step out of our comfort zone and we push to make something change it will be terrifying. I know something else I've thought of doing would be looking into politics, but I don't want to be in the group. What I want to do is know how to help make the schools better.
Learn what you want to learn and find the way best for you to learn. Ignore what the teachers tell you is the best way to learn and instead take it upon yourself to be the one who learns how you solve problems. We have created so much and have learned so much more, so what are we afraid of when we take the risk to be who we are? Don't be afraid. Stir up the bees nest, make your life your own and do it your way. We don't have to hurt others or ourselves, we can be successful in doing what we know.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!
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