Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, January 17, 2014

Gonna be taking a week long break.

I was watching this really interesting video on YouTube. It is called Top 35 Extraordinary Human Powers and Abilities. If you haven't seen it please take some time to watch it right now:
I'll wait.
No really you need to watch this. I'll just be down here.
So you watched it? Did anything click and make you just say "Oh my." It did for me, because certain things I've experienced in my life have always confused me. Usually it was simply brushed off that it was just something else.
Something to fit our reality, a reality limited by creativity and journey. More often than not people like to stay in their little shells of perceived realities. What is real? Are you even real? Or are you just someone else's reality?
Am I seriously making you wonder and think? What if what you are reading is exactly what you want to read and not what I write? Reality is something that even scientists can't explain. Even they can't say that you are "real" in the term that it has been given.
By your senses though you can feel yourself, you can taste things, see things, and much more. But yet we should all know there is much more to our perception.
Just because you see it does it make it real? One interesting thing about drugs like LSD or Acid is they deform reality. But many people call it hallucinating. But is it really hallucination or is it actually the manipulation of reality. For some they state that it is a huge possibility that reality was manipulated.
You see they know that technology isn't that recent, in fact Apple may not be as high tech as we think.
They have found batteries, other kinds of equipment that may even show how they built Stonehenge and other large artifacts. A lot of people have discovered that it was possible they had even more high tech equipment back then than we do now.
But where did that knowledge all good, how was it all there and then gone? Reality manipulation, what others say to you defines your reality. Many popular stars would say it's very true.
In fact it is proven. You are the proof. What did you have said to you as a kid? How did people talk about your dreams? Did others believe and say you would be successful?
You may have noticed how your life is easier compared to others. Maybe how money just seems to find it's way to you. Or how you have a strong talent in the area of your dream.
When I watched the above video I realized more of why we are here. This earth is very unique to all the other planets we know. It can have wildlife of all kind in the air, oceans, and lands. It has a magnetic field that still isn't fully understood. It produces beautiful lights, and keeps us protected from the suns powerful rays.
How did this planet come to be was it really just a big bang or was someone not of this earth bending reality in the milky way to create this earth? It seems crazy and I get that, but you know what I like being crazy it opens my mind to things beyond what we claim as knowledge.
Can humans fly and levitate? Yes. Can they manipulate earth, fire, water, weather, and electricity? Yes. We are incredible how our bodies work how they function is incredible they have so much strength.
I very much encourage exploring more about your body and what it could be capable of. Maybe I am crazy, or maybe you're in a reality where you've limited your capabilities.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Hey guys so I've got work for the next several days. So there won't be a new post till then. Thanks for reading. :)

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