Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Video Games and Books taking us away from Reality

So from previous posts I'm sure you can guess that my life has become a broken swirl of chaos, pain, stress, and sorrow. I've never felt so down and depressed as I do now and never once have I felt so swallowed up in fear and worry. I have so much that is wrong with where I live and with trying to figure out how to make money come into my life.
Luckily, I have managed to keep my Xbox 360 alive and kicking. I've named the big white box Galacticus. Just because the console is that amazing for still kicking and working long and hard. Plus when I bought it at the Pawn Shop it had a free game disc in it, so SCORE!
With everything crazy that has been happening I've been drowning myself in one of my most favorite games ever. Mass Effect, a story of a soldier who learns of a robotic race coming to wipe out all organic life again. It is one of the most amazing games I have ever played, it draws me in and makes me excited as I run around shooting machines, making friends with awesome aliens, etc.
But I realized very quickly why I love the games so much. If you read from this point on and never played the game there will be big spoilers.
In the game they give a romance option. In the first one you have only two choices, for Female Shepard you can romance Kaidan (human), or Liara (Asari) if you play male you still have Liara but you can romance Ashley. Also the romance options depend on if you save Ash or Kai from the bomb on Virmire.
In the second game you have three options, of course for the female shepard Jacob (human), Thane (Drell), and Garrus (Turian he is also one of four of your crew who is with you in all three games). For male Jack (human), Miranda (human), and Tali (Qurian she is another who is with you all three games).
And in the third game you can literally romance anyone. Garrus, Tali, Miranda, Jack, Thane, Kaidan, Ashley, Liara, Traynor, Cortez. The funniest part of this all is in the Citadel DLC you can have a one night stand with James or Javick. But you can see the fun of the game.
But of course my reason for loving the game so much is Garrus and Tali. Since they are the only two who stay with you all three games. For me that spells true love and trust. They're aliens who have dextro-amino acids, so they have to eat different food from the rest of the aliens. And Tali has a huge risk of getting sick just from taking her mask off. 
But they are there through it all. Saren, Collectors, and Reapers. When I do the romance part of the game I romance one of them.
Garrus is my favorite by far but that is because I can make my female Shep look like me. So meh, can pretend lol. But the real reason I love the games is that it gives me a chance to forget all the things that are going wrong in my life. I can just run around killing Reapers and choosing to destroy them or make synthesis(joining of flesh and machine together) happen.
I don't have to think about how things feel like they are falling to pieces I can just focus on stopping Harbinger. I feel if videogames give you another world to escape they play the same role and part as books, just more choices and action. Anyways just a random write for the day.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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