Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The eye of the storm

Hmm, what a long year this has been so far. And yet I'm still stuck in mid air wondering where I'm going to fall next. Recently I had this dog bite happen and now I have more new problems. 
So the government is suppose to be making sure we get covered by health insurance. Well they just rejected me recently, making up a fake job and tips for me. Really Government if I made any where close to 1700$ a month I wouldn't even bother asking for help. But whatever. 
Then an old room mate who never had me sign anything nor can pursue legal action against me since it's been almost 5 years since I lived with her, threatened me. I of course very calmly told her to just leave me alone because she had no right to do nor say what she said. She hasn't messaged me since but whatever. 
And of course Collections is getting into the mix of things. Luckily I have amazing people who are supporting me and helping me out. And even though I have been over the top stressed I'm grateful that at least something is trying to be done.
Either way I just bought a wig that I'll wear to be the new Mythical Twist, gonna start doing make-up videos and vlogs. I also want to get it started to a point where the make-up will be based off of peoples favorite videogame characters.
That's the biggest and most positive plus I have thus far, playing Mass Effect trilogy, Batman Arkham series, Red Dead Redemption, Remember Me, Prototype, Minecraft, Walking Dead, and the one game to help me scream my frustration out Dark Souls. I'm insane. lol
But either way these games have kept me together thus far. And it's a huge deal because I've been crying way more then normal. I feel we have to find something that can hold us together and luckily I found mine. Still hoping everything else will be fixed soon and I can get back some kind of normal to my life. Either way it will get better somehow.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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