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Have you ever had one of those days were a guy you really like comes and sits down next to you and his roommate and friend gives you the look and moves his mouth saying cute.
So you'd think that maybe the guy who sat next to me then asked me out. Nope no go. I always wonder if maybe I just will never be interesting to guys. I mean I apparently am interesting to those guys out of the States. My exes still like to message me telling me how amazing I was and how much the loved me.
I loved them too and I wish that they could've just stayed here in the America's but they love their countries. So we just moved on since one or the other would have to move to the country the other lives and none of us were willing to do so.
So I have been trying to get one of the home boys. The only luck I've had was with really old men. And I am not dating someone who is my fathers age. I'm not against young guys either as long as they're legal age. But relationships are so frustrating. So of course I went back to how Batman handled relationships and found this.
Batman has had relationships were he lost them through death. But he also didn't want to draw anyone into his dangerous life that was until he married Catwoman. I think because she hungered for a dangerous life he just knew she could handle herself. For me I just am going to remain happy being a single girl.
And I'm very happy to be a part of the Mary Kay business. I believe and am very strong. I can do this despite the sad news I will recieve whether I want to hear it or not. I'm hopeful.