Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Batman & Catwoman Decal For The Iphone 4
Batman & Catwoman Decal For The Iphone 4 by batman
Browse other gifts designs on Zazzle.
Guess whose birthday it is today? BATMAN!!!!!
Yup today was the day that Batman was first introduced into the comic world making his first appearance in the Detective comics, I think it was vol. 39? Anyways this was awesome news to remember when I started to worry about money and life.
I'm so happy and today will be awesome. I'm going to share a bit about a dream I had. I was Catwoman in the dream, which is unusual since I mostly dream about being a superhero, but that was when I realized that Catwoman is a superhero who is always tempted by the treasures of old.
You see I always wonder why does Batman love Catwoman? She robs and causes him problems but in the end he loves her. And it's because she will come to his aide when he needs it. I love Catwoman. And to let you know she does give up being a theif after she finds out she is pregnant with Bruces son.
Have a great day and remember
P.S. if I don't post a blog tomorrow it will be because of my being up from 4:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. all of tomorrow so yeah. :P

Catwoman crouches tees
Catwoman crouches tees by batman
Make your own t shirt design at Zazzle

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