Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hey all!!
Anyways I just got help from a friend to start my first ever Mary Kay business  I will be posting about it and how I'm striving to be a success in it. I especially want to be successful before the end of next year so I can win a Ford Mustang!!!
Anyways I just needed to talk about what good has happened in these last few days and yes I am back in the habit of posting everyday hopefully I will never get sick again.
I got my laptop turned into a wireless adapter for my Xbox360 and was finally able to get the Catwoman DLC for the Batman Arkham City. The Mary Kay gift was awesome from my friend. And I have a job interview this coming Monday.
I am a believer that everything will be ok. I can do this!!

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