Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What I learned after watching Divergent

I just enjoy a very amazing movie! I have read the first of the series of Divergent but the movie reminded me why I feel in love with the books. The movie is based on a Distopia, a Utopia that is not what you expect.
In the movie there are factions you are born into. When you reach the age to leave home you are to choose your own faction. But the law is that you're to conform to that factions ways, else you become factionless. In the film the protagonist goes through her test and discovers she is a Divergent.
Divergents are those who think for themselves they are the people who do not conform to a thought or idea. They choose for themselves what is right and what is wrong, thus they become a threat because supposedly that was how the deadly war happened.
I thought about it for a long time after and realized how much I love diverse thinking. I realized that for me it was beautiful to walk out of the theater and see how we all had our own opinions and could choose what we wanted to do.
But sadly there is parts of this world where governments force or will even kill people who do not conform to their laws. I cry for those people because thinking differently is not a bad thing. It's never a bad thing to want to think and question everything!
Recently I questioned many things of my church and the leaders. Why? Because they are human and as humans we say what we want. I've learned that I have to teach myself to know if something said is true or not. But I like the fact that I'm not forced to conform to one belief I can think how ever I want to.
No matter what diverse thinking is beautiful, the atheist to the Christian. The pro-life to the pro-choice. The war fighter to the peace lover. It's beautiful and wonderful to have these different thoughts because when you listen to these ideas you then learn more on how you can be a better human being. How awesome is that?
I know this I loved the movie and I'm buying the books because I want that reminder every day and I want my kids to know that to. Growing up also where I did was great, my little hometown of Hawthorne, NV was HUGELY diverse. Never once was there no one who wasn't different from the one sitting next to them. Thus when a friend of mine came out on being gay we didn't judge or see him as being sinful. We saw everyone as humans.
I know we can all learn to listen to the different views and see the other stories before judging and that we can learn more. Open your mind and heart. Be Divergent.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

That moment when you fall back two steps.

I've had a lot of weird yet amazing things happen for me recently. One of these has been playing a MMORPG, or Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. This game is called League of Angels or LoA or horrible lol. I never knew this game would be what would draw me to people who would ignite my curious mind. And one who would ignite sparks in my heart, someone who has made the change inside of me feel so simple.
I had been working as hard as I could to earn more and more so I could meet people like the friends I've made on the game. I realized that when the moment came that I would fall back on losing another client in my work that I'd of course be very emotional about it. I've felt I'm not good enough for anyone and that all that I'm trying to do is for naught. But I've learned I'm not useless. 
I have realized that I need to continue doing what I love. What I love is working with animals, writing, YouTubing, video gaming, comic books, books, Operas, ballets, Anime, drawing, cosplaying, and finally Batman. I've realized if I focused more on what I've always loved doing I could earn all the money I'd need and more! And I could finally be stress free in full.
I have taxes still to pay from 2011, and now medical bills that I'm slowly paying off myself. I still have a car to pay off and so much more. Yet I'm happy, I'm happy to have met the people I have in my life. That includes the ones who are still quote unquote "pixels", I love them all.
My life has changed so beautifully with them in my life. I have a chance to keep changing, I'm saving to go to PAX Prime and East, Comic Con, E3!, and just going on my own travels. I feel I've passed up my chance to go and see the world. I was given the chance to go to a school in New York I turned it down, I was also invited to go to China and teach English there. I've learned to let it go and just move on in my life, but now I want to make it the story I want.
I have control of my life and I love that.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What happens in our lives is all for a very special reason.

This morning I received the heart wrenching call that my Uncle Lavoy had died. The hardest part of it all was he died the same way my father, and Uncle Dave did. I feel so sad, yet not because I have amazing friends. Including one whom I met while playing an online game.
Some people are always worried about those you meet online but he is real and someone I want to well have in my life. Soon it will happen but for now we just spend late nights just talking on the phone.
We talk about video games, anime, music, basically anything and everything that is random but we just like talking to each other.
The other thing is all my friends who I know in real life. So many of them continue to lift me up and help me to try for more and more. I just want to say that what ever happens it is all for an amazing and wonderful reason. Heart ache, and everything that makes us question is to help us to grow. Question everything! Seriously ask all the big questions and learn more and more how we can all make a difference in each others lives.
The governments can't change the world only we the individuals can. Let's continue to reach out to each other, let's continue to make each other smile and grow.