Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Monday, July 30, 2012

Batman Urban Legends - 1 Key Chain
Batman Urban Legends - 1 Key Chain by batman
Create your own personalized key chain online at

So how's been everyones weekend? Hope it has been fantastic!
My weekend has been crazy what with me moving and everything it's just been a little nuts. My new place doesn't have internet but my awesome sisters are letting me borrow their internet and computer to update my blog! Anyways I have a lot to do on this Monday.
I'm going to apply for a job at another buisness similiar to where I work now. And see if I can make about $600 more so I can make $1200 a month rather then the $600 I'm making.
But anyways because of the tons of stress I've felt I decided to play some more Batman. :3
My most favorite fight in the whole game is the last encounter with Scarecrow. The reason is because it makes you think your game is ruined or Xbox is keeling over. At first I was so scared that I had just lost the Xbox I had just bought. Then to my surprise the game seemed to just start over. Now I'm not going to ruin it more but it is just awesome. Scarecrow knows how to scare us gamers he is very good at that. :D
But anyways so now that I live about a half hour if not more from town it's a whole new adventure. I just paid some of my taxes again, so luckily that is out of the way and I don't have to worry about the IRS tailing me for my money.
So I had to miss some awesome parties that were being held over the weekend in order to move but that's ok. All in all it was a good weekend and I can't wait till I can actually catch up on sleep. :)

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