Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ever feel like you just shouldn't hope for something? Well I was hoping to be able to move out of the place I'm living at soon. Just so that I could move into a cheaper place. Well that came true.
I have to move on August 15th. And right now I'm way stressed because I don't have the money for a depoist or the first months rent on a new place. Now many of my friends have offered me a place but upon discovering how far out it is, I can't do it.
My car is not amazing on gas and my job requires me to go into town. The places I would live are in the outer valleys.
I can't believe that I really will have to move out soon. I have no idea what will happen to me. I just hope that somehow I can make more money or get a better job. (Yeah that'll happen soon)
And of course I have to deal with guys. Now don't get me wrong I love flirting with boys and enjoy the company of the guys I choose. But not when another guy uses a tear-filled story to get to me.
That's what happened and of course my Ex from Aussie has been telling me to move to Australia. Yeah I so want to live with my Ex. XP
Anyways I just have to wonder where am I going will I be ok? Can somehow a miracle happen?? Like you guys buying these amazing Batman Tees??? Lol, just kidding. I have hope and that's the only thing that has kept me moving for so long.
Have a great weekend. And KEEP BELIEVEING!! :D

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