Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Monday, July 9, 2012

Create your own tshirt designs.

Ah, the joys of trying to find a place in a very short amount of time. And the joys of living in a city. :P I like the city but the amount of travel is insane here. But like most cities in the West we are very wide spread horizontially rather then the vertical cities in the East.
I don't have a car that has the best gas milage even though it is my favorite car ever a little Red Ford Focus. But I'm so stressed. I'm thinking that I may have to pump out some money to get a little studio for the time being.
No biggie really but I'm just needing a better job. Heck even working at a fast food joint would mean better pay then were I currently work. That is really sad.
Anyways I'm trying to learn how to get guys to notice I'm interested in them. I know how to let guys outside of my church know, but in the church I seem to be dumb. There were two cuties who joined us at our table yesterday at our little dinner. They were both guys I knew before and I won't deny it I really wanted to ask them out.
But I've been doing the asking for all the guys here in America that I'm wishing that they would just get that I'm interested in them. :(
Oh well, I don't know why but today I'm pumped something just feels like it will go amazing! I sure hope so I need something to remove some of this stress. :P

You can sell tshirt designs on Zazzle

By the way these items I post

aren't just for you to buy them

and rock out with awesome Batman

swag for the Dark Knight Rises

movie. But also for me to just

look at them and dream of one day

owning these items. :)

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