Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, February 28, 2014

I am a force all my own!

You should totally listen to the song posted above! It seriously is an awesome song. When I heard this song I became more proud of being a woman and for the body I have and everything about me that men had torn down.
Of course when I talked to friends about some of the things that have made me feel incapable of even taking care of myself I just become tired. In my last post I talked about LoA or League of Angels. On this game there is chat, and there are many from around the world.
I brought up my pleasant joy in knowing that the good old Obamacare would be forcing me into welfare in order to be on it. Yes that is for Medicaid. And I am not lying. But because I want to take care of myself and not be dependent on anyone I decided, I will pay the medical bills by myself. The bills are over 2,000$ but I don't care.
I also know that yes there will be lots of late fees to cover as well. But you know what, I have to do that for my stupid taxes, so it doesn't matter to me. Somehow or another the governments plan to help has instead cut me down. And I've reached a point where if the government will force me onto the whole health care band wagon that I'll be disappearing.
But after they told me that I just realized that you know what I am a strong and powerful individual. I don't need no one to hold my hand I'm going to take care of myself and if it means going to prison because I can't pay some bills that's fine. I've realized prison sounds better then bowing to the governments demands.
So what are my plans, I'm thinking of building my own business in my hometown. Can I do it, who knows? But if I don't change something soon I will be falling. And yeah guess what I hate the government hah go figure, the reason they want you to rely on them so they can cut you off soon.
Whether you believe the Bible of not the part about the Beast shows you that he decides to make everyone rely on him and those he doesn't like are killed. And yeah with this whole health care thing the government will be able to do just that. I will not be chained the government will have no way of making me bow down. I'm gonna fight. Will you?
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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