Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why the internet is a place that is safe for the shy people.

So recently I decided to find some online games that I could play. Especially ones that didn't require any downloading and had been shown on gaming websites to be free of viruses and malware. One of these such games is LoA or League of Angels. 
Now this game is pretty dang fun. It's a MMORPG and it's a social game. Now I do not enjoy social games because I meet people who are like me and I just start wishing they lived here so I could meet them in person. I also raise many a guys hopes in meeting me but well we can't.
The other thing there are those who are way too young to be playing these kinds of games. And then you also don't know who is telling the truth and who is lying straight to your face. It's the internet so even if someone says something you agree with and like you just don't know if it is legit.
I was surprised when just posting emoticons how people thought I was cool. I decided to talk about somethings I like without revealing names, or places, or age. Suddenly there where many who wanted to be my friends and a lot of guys (or at least I hope so) who wanted to use a very strange feature called marriage on the game.
I do not get the whole thing with these social games where they even have the whole option of marriage. And here is why, for a lot of those on the chat they explained how they only go out to work but stay home to play this game. It made me said, because I go out with friends from time to time or I work on here or on YouTube. I don't have a ton of time that I donate to playing games, but when I can play them they're nice.
It's just that even though these games allow for the ones who are pained with being very shy to have social interaction it is still over the internet. I had dated an Aussie for three months after he left seeing me in the States. I realized very quickly how much more alone I felt with out him, true we skyped and chatted but it was not the same.
I also know this it's the internet. What someone says could be the biggest lie of your whole life. They could be a murder or rapist, or they could be a hacker who needs just a little lee-way. The internet can be very terrifying and it's one reason for being VERY cautious.
I don't disbelieve anyone but I'm also not letting my guard down either. I also have to put up a tough barrier since I won't deny it I feel very alone and desire love with someone of the opposite sex. When you get a bunch of shy guys on these games wanting your attention it's pretty nice. But I always erase it and laugh it off.
And apparently if you just really relate to people they like you alot. I became the hot topic for a while and people just wanted me to keep talking about the weird things I like. I explained how I like cars, and different video games and consoles. I even talked a bit about sports.
But I won't deny it, this can be fun as long as it stays clean and doesn't go hay wire. And social gaming isn't bad it's just if you only have work for socializing and then go home for the internet you may want to find something else to socialize with. For me it's my church that helps me to socialize, but there is other things.
If you don't believe in a religion then just go out and have some. Go swimming, go dancing in the rain. You'd be surprised but there are people like you in real life. Can there be romance, I don't know haven't found it for myself yet so just go out there and make friends. Don't let the internet be your only place to socialize.
Oh and yes I'm still gonna play the game, just because I have fun playing the game. :)
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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