Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

There is always a question of do you make change happen?

When I was going to school I was bullied. But I also was grateful for what my mother did. Now let me explain what would change our education system and that would make the change we NEED right now.
Let me first begin by telling you what all happened. When I was in Junior High School I was bullied not just by my classmates but by my math teacher. I've realized she was the one who made me feel like math was terrible. And I've seen how that hate continued for a while.
Every child learns in different ways, one may learn by drawing, another through writing, and another by doing several equations. I was kind of a combination of all three. What annoyed many of my teachers was how I would solve the problem with a different equation. Now math seems to have just one solution, but I've learned no it has many.
Here's the biggest problem of schools, we have lost the use of creativity. A child shouldn't be scolded when they state they believe in mythical creatures, nor should they be scolded when they decide that the grass is purple and the sky is pink. Ok do you see it?
How often were you told NO in school? I was told it many times and I ignored them. I had a 4.0 GPA and a lot of education just from my own curiosity in the world. I learned about all kinds of cool things because I was curious. I learned about the SARS virus, E Coli, and much much more. Just because my mother never told me don't explore.
Scientists would agree, we have to explore and think differently if we don't then how can we prove there is a magnetic field surrounding the earth and that it changes from time to time? Or that when you do something simple as mixing baking soda with vinegar it erupts into a thousand little bubbles? Scientists are curious and they like to figure out how something works.
A potato farmer was the one who made TV's. Two regular joes made the first airplane ever. And a man with nothing to his name designed the first ever car. Why? Because they choose to explore and use creativity in their lives. What we are doing is stomping out that rich desire of exploring. We are making yes men.
Now yes men are good at bowing down to a higher authority. They never look to push the envelope, to question the big man. They only know how to play it safe and not take risks.
Something I learned and this is sad was during WW2 many countries who weren't willing to be yes men to Germany were attacked. England being one of the large powers during that time stood against Germany, they were very much against the Nazi government. But there were many countries who stayed as yes men and weren't attacked. Those countries only know who to hide behind.
I'm very open and willing to take risks, because they make life fun. Yes sometimes you will get hurt but what is the point in living if you never take the chance to stand apart from the rest?
I've dropped one job and have moved on up with more work in my current job, and I have many more things I'm going to do. One of which is doing more on YouTube.  We are the ones who are meant to create our world. Those in the time of WW2 desired for peace an end of war and they got it. We sit here still at war trying to find the one final man involved in the 9/11. I say bring our men and women home. If they attack us again then we go back. For now we just need to leave the world alone.
We need to focus on building our children up to think for themselves. But I don't know how we can do that unless we teach the yes men to step back and stop being that. Could it happen? I sure hope so.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!

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