Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, January 2, 2014

What are your new years resolution?

Have you made some big plans for the new year?
As for me my big plans are these.
1. Get my book published by my birthday.
2. Start growing more in training for dogs and providing help for shelters.
3. Make Superhero Hope the biggest event in the world.
I'm just listing three because the rest are much more personal. First of all I've decided that I noticed one thing, as a society we just think we can't get to do what we want. We basically label ourselves as unable to go anywhere. Especially when we think about the economy the first thing to pass through our minds is there isn't enough money for everyone in this world. Excuse my language but BS. Ha did you think I'd actually curse, yeah no not gonna happen.
So why do I feel we can all make the difference we want. Well because if we couldn't then North Korea wouldn't be so scared to have outside visitors come, China wouldn't have the internet scrubbed to only show what they want the people to see. Many countries wouldn't make reading and learning be such a difficult thing. So why do they do that and why does the U.S. even have problems like that? Well simple. They are stuck in that mind set of there is only just enough for me and my family and no one else.
Lies, by the way there is a way to produce the amount of money you need. One of my favorite YouTuber is Markiplier, as a heads up he does cuss so if you want to watch him be prepared. Anyways he talked a bit about how he was going to school and then decided that what he really wanted to do was voice acting and YouTubing. He succeeded. When I thought about it I remembered other YouTubers, Nigahiga, Shane Dawson, Jenna Marbles, Ray =3, Pewdiepie, do I need to continue. I have a YouTube, but I haven't done more videos yet because I'm trying to get things figured for me to be living on my own.
I realized that really life doesn't require one to have to wait for someone to quit working so they can work. It requires a determination and taking risks. One of the most inspiring people I've gotten to know is Jane Goodall. If you don't know her do research on her like now! She was determined to help the people in the country she was in to learn to love the chimps there. She taught with love how man and animals can live together.
I just realized that we are fools if we honestly think that somehow things will run out. That we'll somehow deplete all resources. Let me explain some the earth is constantly sustaining billions upon trillions of lives, it is never short and it can always provide enough. I laugh whenever we say we are running out of room, ha no we are not we're just too stubborn to try for somewhere else.
I've made another goal to earn and save enough money to visit Tokyo, Japan. I want to finally take a risk, step outside of the world I've known my whole life and see the worlds outside of where I live. Heck even that time when I visited outside of my state felt like a whole new adventure.
I know that as we step out of our comfort zone and we push to make something change it will be terrifying. I know something else I've thought of doing would be looking into politics, but I don't want to be in the group. What I want to do is know how to help make the schools better.
Learn what you want to learn and find the way best for you to learn. Ignore what the teachers tell you is the best way to learn and instead take it upon yourself to be the one who learns how you solve problems. We have created so much and have learned so much more, so what are we afraid of when we take the risk to be who we are? Don't be afraid. Stir up the bees nest, make your life your own and do it your way. We don't have to hurt others or ourselves, we can be successful in doing what we know.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!

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