Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, December 27, 2013

Have you ever decided to just be someone else?

Heck yeah I have. Batman, well actually Batgirl or Catwoman. Cause well they hook up with two of the cutest guys ever.

Um yeah they are both yummy. So off of that subject for now. I've been dealing with a lot but I've been counting my blessings. So the xbox 360 finally showed the dreaded ROD or as many who are not gamers would know it as the ring of death or red ring of death. Basically Microsoft didn't add some essential components to the xbox's hard drive so it over heats very easily and can basically destroy the hard drive. And guys if I am wrong I am a gaming nerd and not really a hard tech nerd. Sorry.
But anyways my heart plummeted and I just was so mad. You see videogames help me relieve stress especially where I live. Now I know it was bound to happen and getting upset was silly. But dude, I've gotten to play Batman Arkham series, how could I not love the console. So now I'm trying to figure out how to fix this problem.
But I stopped being really upset when I realized well the next Arkham game will be on the xbox One. so basically meaning the 360 was going out. But I am just gonna do more to relieve stress. I've been watching some wicked awesome music videos on YouTube. I've found some more anime on YouTube and I've just been feeling better. On top of that I now have a pretty good excuse to hang with a guy I found who loves Batman as much as me. Maybe even getting one of the other guys to invite me over for some gaming!
Lol well guys I want to be around...Sigh, so well that guy that I was willing to keep trying to date yeah he's gone. I've not heard from him and I think I know why. I won't say much more but he has so much going on. But there has always been a lot of guys whom I would love to date and have decided to take some cues from the girls I admire in comic books.
I may not be very open and if you read my previous posts you'll know why. But I'm gonna try, something simple you know like.......Ok I'm terrible at flirting. I just remembered I've used the whole, "Hey, you're really cute." and .......nothing!
Well I guess what was I expecting. Ok I was expecting a small crooked smile a little oh yeah. Then a simple well how about we get some dinner and chit chat more this Friday. Yup I live in wonderland or as I call it Batland! But yeah I have an idea for what I think is the well, perfect guy, basically someone from a book.
Anyways I've just realized I need to breathe more, that everything will be ok. I have no clue how but things will work out. I'll have the chance to earn more money so maybe I'll sell my games, recycle the console and save enough to buy a brand new Alien gaming desktop computer! HAHAHA!! Yeah you know join the "master" race. :P
But anyways I've just learned this, yeah I've lost the one thing that was helping me the most to lose a lot of stress. And yes I'm a creepy girl who knows that whatever guy decides to date me is definitely Batman. :P I'm just being me and accepting what I think and feel. So there. Anyways that's my whole shpeel. Good Night.

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