Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Have you ever learned too much that your brain hurt?

I've recently learned that if you learn too much you start to overload your conscious brain. Now most of you know that your brain has to workings, conscious and unconscious. The unconscious is your breathing, digesting, pumping, and healing. Basically if your unconscious brain didn't work then you wouldn't be alive. That part of your brain is the one that uses the full 100% capacity of your brain. So it's the only part that NEVER stops working, good thing though else you'd be dead.
But our conscious brain is what we learn with. So when you are born you know how to speak but not in a language understood. So you learn a specific language where you live. Your conscious brain is the one that decides if it is sexually stimulated, happy, sad, or angry. Basically your conscious brain is in full control of your emotions.
On top of that your conscious brain is the one who will mess with your unconscious brain. You can manipulate your body yourself. It is a lot to take in correct? Whenever you heard of that whole we only use 10% of our brains it is in regards to your conscious awareness. Our brains and bodies are so powerful just imagine if you consciously were fully aware of all that power. Well your brain might explode or be in an intense amount of pain. I've been learning a lot recently, and through out this learning process I've had to relax take a moment to just calm myself down.
I've had barely any luck with that. Because I am so curious and because I love to explore, learn, and push past the boundaries of reality I tend to not remain in one spot of mind at one time. I'm always jumping at the opportunity to learn more and more. I've began to ask the simple question one that anybody would flinch at, how human is God?
Yet we never seem to stretch our minds to try and understand that. You see ever since I learned more about Kinesis powers and how they work the more curious I grew about them. Where did these powers come from? How did people of old have these powers? Why do so many of us now a days hide our powers?
I've realized that we are all nervous of an unknown knowledge. Basically a knowledge that only the unconscious brain knows all about. Can we ever tap into that knowledge of our unconscious brain? Can we ever truly have 100% understanding of our world, the universe, and our own lives and how they are to be played out?
I don't know, but I do know this you have to be willing to explore. The most closed minded of people are the ones who never think outside of what they are told. The ones who never test or push the boundaries of what they are told. Many famous minds learned more because they did such a thing. Is it so terrifying to learn all this information? Yes there will be people who will hate you and disagree with you. There will be those who will seek your pain.
Many of the Asian culture have kept themselves hidden learning more of the mind. Learning control of kinetic powers, and how to heal people with out the use of medicine. They know how to create things that were never once there. I need to slow down my brain is so filled with a desire to learn more but I have to be careful.
I know this much we are trapped in worlds of our own creations where we just lay down and believe we don't question, we don't push, we don't learn. As comfortable a world that is I want to learn more. I want to push the bonds of my reality, I want to test this world to the full extent. I want to learn my bodies full powers, but again I don't know if that can ever truly happen. But as I always say...

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