Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Where are all those who are willing stand for what they know is true?

I grew up in a small town of 3000 people with a large military base. Where even to this day if you visit you'll be greeted by bombs going off. And if you go for a swim in the lake you'll find missiles lying around.
It's my small hometown and it is surrounded by other even smaller towns. And in this town most people carry guns. And I was taught the safety needed for guns.
In my hometown if there was ever a threat it was usually taken care of quickly. Yet recently some really sad and strange things had been happening. Now I have to do some history to tell you what all caused this.
It leads back to the big man in the white house. Yup Obama, now he became president in 2008. Let me give you an idea of why he is not good for our country and why I wish he would be impeached.
I was a part of the graduating class of the year 2007. I didn't go to college until 2008 when Obama was elected. A lot of people who I asked why they were voting for him said, he gives great speeches. First off so did Hitler, even fact he was praised for his great speeches. Hmmm, not very good to compare Obama as a great speaker. Especially when he lied so much.
When I went to school we hit the first recession. During that time it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to even imagine getting a job. The other fun gas prices went from $1.20 to $3.20. And I always wondered why people still liked him.
One of my friends who was gay told me that he liked him cause he would legalize gay marriage in the country. Now trying to explain to my friend that it was up for the invidual states on that issue was basically impossible.
I realized how sad it was, now mind you I don't know everything about politics but I knew this much, others weren't even bothering to study what he was saying.
I've been so tired with seeing people staying comfortable. I'm a Mormon and my ancestors were Pioneers who crossed the plains in the freezing cold of the winter. Many of them died, but they took the risk and gave up being comfortable to be able to live a life filled with truth. Now for many if you know a TRUE Mormon you know they are kind and caring and live the best that they can.
I always wondered if you were told to choose between comfort and living what you truly believe which would you choose. I already can say most would stick with comfort. Being comfortable is human nature we HATE being in a chaotic situation that causes problems.
I've decided to be done with that I'm gonna be one of those loud voices that stomps out what so many people are comfortable with. Let's basically cause chaos. I've said before I love the Joker, don't worry no death threats or anything stupid like that. But I'm going to expose what you are doing that is comfortable is dumb. How you need to step out of your comfort and dive into the chaos. 
Take that risk take that dive, you never know if you'll change the world until you take that chance. I am one person but there have been so many "one persons" who've changed the world and the way we view things.
Dian Fossey is one, Jane Goodall is another, and the recent movie of the Lone Survivor; Marcus Lutterll. They were one person and they changed how we see the world. One person makes all the difference in a good or bad way.
Hitler, Napolean, Joan of Arc, King George the third, and so many more. We've had a few presidents in the US who were like that. Russia has, China, Japan, in reality every country as had bad people. In fact I find it laughable when someone says white people are so terrible. Guess what WE in the whole world are terrible.
Happy basically we are all terrible, because we otherwise sit back and don't do anything or we actually stand up and risk our lives. I think about many times of people taking risks and their lives were at stake. So why are we who have only money and comfort to lose so afraid to speak up?
Let's not sit back anymore let's stand up and shout it to the world that we want there to be change! That we all want to earn more, that we all want to the chance to grow! Let's shout how we all as human beings need to help each other! That we all need to love each other whether we believe different, have different sexual attractions, or are different race and culture!
How about if you took that challenge? How about you tell someone you see on the road that they are beautiful even if you don't know them? How about you push your comfort aside and take risks needed to start a wave of change?
I'm doing it I'm gonna be a risk taker! I'm diving into the pool of chaos and the unknown. I'm building what I hope to see in the future! Let's do it together will you join me?
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys so as you can see I'm pretty fired up, I'm planning to write a blog post every weekday. I won't be able to next week because of my job but after that be prepared. :)

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