Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Pride That Is Consuming Our World

This is all so crazy. I've begun to just want to go find a little plot of land not inhabited and just live there. I've begun to see something that is horrible that is destroying our world slowly but very effectively. It is Pride.
Pride is something we all have. At some point or another we start to build ourselves up and start to think we can force others to believe what we believe. Pride is when you seek to hurt others for your own gain. Pride is what causes murder, prostitution, sex trafficking, discrimination, war, and the most destructive emotion ever Hate.
But why is it so pervasive now a days? Why has terrorism become such a big deal to the point no one wants to go to Sochi, Russia for the Olympics? Why are atheists fighting so hard against religion in a time where they are not killed for their beliefs?
We have all sunk into that pit of Pride. No one seems to reach out a hand and pull people up loving them for them and not what they believe or even do. The NSA claims to help, but it doesn't it pridefully steals your information and then when you need it they claim it's for your privacy.
Police beginning to use their powers in the worst way possible killing our protection. Government more concerned about not being debt to a point that they stay under a communist countries rule. And a communist country that removes all it's people's rights to even see the sun. Have you not started to want to make a change?
My readers not of my country don't you want us all to unite as a world? Shouldn't we end being separated but become one become a world of love and care, helping each other out despite what we think or believe? Shouldn't we all be standing and calling for love not pride?
I feel we need to stand up for each other. To stand up for the ones who aren't like us, who don't think like us. It is our duty as humans to be the superheroes who fight for the ones being looked down on. It is also our role to love everyone perfectly.
I am reminded of my ex from last year. But now when I see him I look at him with hope that he has changed much of what he did in his previous years. I don't get super involved but I treat him as a normal human.
Our state is to bring joy into others lives and to help build them up. We are all meant to be the peace makers and the ones who draw in love. I fear unless if most of us do that this world is doomed. If you didn't know well every country has nuclear weapons, meaning it only takes one missile and we will all die from a nuclear war. Which feels like it would happen much sooner then any of us would like.
I don't agree with every country but I stand up for them when it comes to it. I don't know every single person in that country and that's why I can't judge nor hater them. I hope that Pride can be destroyed otherwise we'll watch our world be destroyed in front of our very eyes.

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