Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, February 14, 2014

Aren't We All Human?

For the longest time I always wondered what race was. You see I came from a literal mini New York, in the sense of it being a melting pot. Through out my whole time in school there was always a large range of different races, cultures, and religions. There was never a point where there wasn't some one from some other country. It was always fun and when we reached a point where the teachers where to teach about hate among the races we just asked what a race was.
Oh, man you would not believe the anger at that point. It just made me realize that what really was the problem was we were being taught to hate each other. You or your ancestors where in the wrong so you have the right to be angry at the others. But we didn't like that, none of us did. We had Paiutes in my class who always asked to not have the lesson on how much people should feel angry at how the Natives were treated.
We had Africans who were always grumpy when there was Black Month stating, what is the point of Martin Luther Kings message if we are still looked at for our skin color? We had Hispanics who hated how people said they were so poor living in Mexico, they always asked well why does no one try to change the country instead of bringing it here. And many of my Asian friends always asked why it was said how much America should be hated for the Atomic bomb drops, when they knew it was a no choice move.
I also remember friends of different religions not begging to have things removed, like the pledge of allegiance, or prayer, or anything that was against their religion. They said as long as I don't have to do it why should I care? And in the end many got sucked into the evil thoughts we are taught to have in school.
Guess what you have been lied to and manipulated into thinking hatred towards each other. If we all started with the mind set of you are human just like, you just think and act different from, then would we be in a better world. If you're brave enough bring up to the board of education how you want history to be taught differently. Do we want to forget the sorrows, no, but we can teach them in a way to not instill hatred. What do we get when we hate?
Wars, millions of deaths, and torture and slavery. You want that to continue, if not then change the way you learn. Teach love and understanding, bring hope and way to a brighter future so we can all stop this stupidity.
What does war do for us all? I think of all those apocalypse ideas we have now a days, it used to be the idea of flying cars, better lives, robots, no more hunger. And yet we now only see death and destruction, we only see the world ending. I want my kids to see a world filled with better technology, a chance to create and go to countries that aren't safe now. I want a brighter, happier world where we all see each other as humans who are all equal.
Let's start to remove hate and start love.
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the longest time I always wished for a romantic night with someone for just one special night. It has never happened but I drew what I always dreamed of and now you can have it on your laptop too, maybe as just an idea for a sweet night. :) 
A Night In Paris Laptop Skins
A Night In Paris Laptop Skins by REa11y
View other Paris Skins at

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