Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Watching Other Countries Kill Their Own Kind

In many places throughout this world we have not seen how they are. If you took one moment to learn of all of these countries and the wars they have on their own people, it would make you so sad. Countries like Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, shall I keep going? Even Russia was like that, and China still has it's own problems. How stupid are we crying over our "problems" when there are so many who watch friends be shot right in front of their eyes? When there are people having to hide to survive? Where there are people who have nothing because their government says they can't?
WHAT ARE WE DOING!? We sit here worrying about ourselves and yet when it comes to the actual help of people we don't seem to do anything. We just become worried of our own situation. Now don't get me wrong, do I honestly think any of these countries would accept our help, no.
Now why do I think that? Well let's talk about Russia for a while shall we. You see Russia was killing their own people by starving them to death. They were given rations of food and that was all they could have. People where even shot if they tried to get food any other way. Finally the military for Russia stood withe people and the rebelled against the government. They shut down their own government. Sadly that is the only way to help these countries who kill their own with no remorse. For many they feel that they are keeping their people safe, but all they are doing is blinding their people to the truth!
No matter where you live you have the greatest power it's just we feel so comfortable in our bubbles that breaking them and changing our lives is hard. When America came to be it was because the colonists from England saw how the Natives lived. The Natives taught them that they could be free to live the life they wanted.
When people tell me how we destroyed the Natives world I stare and ask how? The Paiutes I've met have told me they never hated the "white man." Whom they hated were the men filled with pride. But that stood for anyone.
We need to help each other to realize WE the individual man are the ones who make the difference. We are the ones to instill the thought of questioning everything. We are the ones who stand against all the weapons and wars being fought. We are the ones to make that voice and yes, maybe it will cost you your life.
I sound so big living in a country where I can say how much I hate Obamacare, how much I don't like this or that and not be killed. But I want to go to other countries to risk my life to get the people to change. I want to see a BRAVE NEW WORLD!!!
KEEP BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On another note I know that China, North Korea, and many other countries will NEVER allow my posts because their people would begin to question. They would begin to wonder how could there be so much more then the life they've lived?
Also check out my Touching Heart T-Shirt. When I drew this picture it was in my mind how much I want to touch people and their hearts. If you like it buy it below. :)
Touching My Heart Tee Shirt
Touching My Heart Tee Shirt by REa11y
See more Broken T-Shirts at

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