Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Creating A Whole New Home

Hello everyone. Wow what a week this one has been for me. Due to my fathers history of heart attacks I had a scary experience. Luckily it was nothing more then just an anxiety attack. Terrifying but not deadly. Which also explains my cat smiling away as I panicked. Good kitty Bolt.
So for any of you have gone through these attacks as well don't feel afraid or alone. Anxiety and panic attacks feel very real and can cause a lot of trouble. What's frustrating I don't have the one tool that always destroyed my anxiety. My Xbox 360, which fell to the bounds of the red ring of death. CURSE YOU MICROSOFT!!!!
Playing video games was always my way of relaxing and just escaping from reality for a bit. They also where the only products that built me up in hope and happiness. Yes, some people might say do yoga ( I teach it) or go to a church (I'm a Mormon). But those aren't very effective and I've learned for different people certain things really help.
I love dancing, I even include Pole Dancing as relaxation for me. Of course many associate it with stripping, I'll save that for my husband. ;) But there are things that remove anxiety for me better then other things have for other people. That includes the medications, I'm just very different.
Yet I'm just like someone else out there. I'm hoping to sell several of my polymer creations soon, and to do more on YouTube. But in the end I am always nervous about that, my mind always asks can I do this can I do that? I've been invited to enter competitions, but I'd have to pay to get there. I've been given the chance to travel and do more, but I don't have the money. Such a suffocating concept of money. If you don't have enough you better be ready for pain, a lot of pain.
And no offense but yes money does mean happiness. I kind of learned why capitalist life style is actually a good thing. You see whenever you have an abundance in money you can help anyone without getting hurt. You can stop worrying over bills and other expenses that appear out of the blue. But how do we get to that point, well I'm still learning I know you need to convince people to buy your products, like your videos, share your info, and you just need people to support you in everything. That can be easier said then done.
But I guess that's why it all comes back down to what you are willing to risk. I risk being put down every day and I'm ok with that, BRING ON THE HATE!!! But anything else not so much. We'll all have struggles and each one will be tailored and unique for just us. In the end are you going to give up and be taken care of or are you going to take care of yourself in your dream car and home?

Hey guys I've posted below a link to one of my own Zazzle creations. They're a pair of hands that have been x-rayed. I drew this picture on If you like it you should buy one, you know just saying. :)

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