Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Monday, February 10, 2014

Let me begin to destroy your limited views.

What an interesting world we live in.We basically are pulled around. We're taught and confused into believing things that just aren't true. We are told don't question what the media tells you is truth. Don't be different in your thinking.
Recently within my own family they don't believe that one can work or do what they want to do. It is basically a belief that you can only be successful in working hard at job you hate. I'm not like that at all, I believe in being able to do the job you love and not just what you need to make money.
I've realized that I needed to remove my limited thinking. I discovered that even those in my church are limited. That no one seems to even question things anymore. They just sit there and except it and just go on their merry little way.
What would you do if you could live the life you wanted doing the job you wanted? You'd probably be very happy, but I bet you've been told you can't without doing something to earn money. I guess I'm very strange because I think it's important you break the limits that are put on you in life. 
Either way I've decided to do more of what I want and less of what I'm told I should do. It's not as if I sit here wishing to hurt others. But that I'm gonna need to move on. Some big changes are gonna have to come soon, not sure how soon but soon.

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