Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I've lost my best friend and guardian.

He was red furred, covered with white and black frekles galore. He always was willing to be the first one to greet you at the door. If he didn't like he would let you know, a warning growl at those he felt where his enemies.
But he knew how to be gentle and how to be kind. He loved two cats who he guarded with his life. His owner he kept safe at night, always aware of what was going on outside. He was sad but to say that the little girl he loved had to move and live in a far away place. But yet she couldn't see him not for the last time, all she could say to him was over the phone. "I love you my puppy, you're the best dog of all. I know that you're strong and you'll be alright."
Yet when she recieved the call she broke down and cried out in public where no one knew why. And so she sobbed and sobbed while I she drove back home to find him lieing there seeming to be alive. But the touch was cold and his light was gone from his eyes. She knew in deep sorrow her puppy had died.
She remembered how he filled the void her father had left. How he protected her against the bullies from her school. He was always the one there with a shoulder to cry on and always cheering her on when she needed it most.
All though he is gone he is now with my father, and they both are together watching and guarding over us. He's still in my heart, he is still my puppy, my dog named Rover was the only dog who was ever so cool.
I love you Rover. And I miss you so much, this will be a very hard time for me but there are so many who miss you too. Here is a picture of the most amazing dog I've ever known. 

He lived a long and wonderful life.
Keep Believing!

1 comment:

  1. He was a great dog. It is so hard to say goodbye to him. He is truly missed. Thank you for bringing him into our lives.
