Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Batman Future Cityscape Montage Poster
Batman Future Cityscape Montage Poster by batman
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Hey everyone.
So life is still pretty crazy. I'm sitting here writing to you guys and suddenly I just realized I forgot to get something for lunch. xD well way to go me. :P
Anyways how are you guys doing?
I'm trying to count my money to see if I have enough for the Batman Arkham City game cause well that would just be freaking awesome!!!
But anyways if not I will have enough for the Batman fabric that I wish to make my skirt and purse out of. :)
Anyways it will be a short post sorry about that. But when life settles down more and I am able to do more things like writing to you guys then I will. :)
Have a Bat filled day.

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