Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Wow that fight was hard. LOL
I had to run around a lot and then I was VERY lucky that I didn't die. I love this game so much in fact I love it to a point where I just have to play it at least once everyday. Of course that is more if I get lucky and have the time for it. But none the less for the few days that I do I love it.
Today I went to support a friend in getting baptized to the church she believes in. Despite me finding that churches belief's to be too judgmental on people. But if she believes it then I will back her up on it and say you believe what you wish but I will believe what I wish.
Now despite our many different religious belief's we still have a few things we both like, such as, dancing, playing videogames, telling jokes, shopping, and hiking. Now here is a question, what has happened to our nation where one religion attacks another? And yes whatever you believe is a religion, just because a whole bunch of people don't gather and sing or pray in what you believe doesn't matter you believe something and that makes it religion.
So thus everyone has a religious belief. So why is it then that we say, "So and so is forcing me to believe them." No one is doing that, no one at all. With my friend we just talk about what we both like, religion never gets brought up.
So why has the nation become so bad that it is brought up everyday? Religion shouldn't be the focul point but what you as a person are trying to do. Whether your Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Baptist, Atheist, Mormon, whatever you as a person should be trying to be the best you ever. So remember that, a religion only gives you guidelines to what you think, but in the end what you do in your everyday life is most important. Never forget that.

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