Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, August 31, 2012

So how is it going. I'm super sorry it will be another short post but that's fine. Today I am going to go up to the U.S. Wolf Refuge to spend some time with some of the most amazing wolves ever. :)
I ahve decided to pursue in my life a path were I will cease worrying about things that I can't control like how much I have to spend for the car and the place that I live at. Hopefully though I will get enough that this won't be a worry. So YAY!!! Anyways what I want you guys to do for today is to hold a dream again I know but still it's true.
To let you know how it works I dreamed about a relationship and guess what I am going on a date this Tuesday. It just is something to show that when you hold onto a dream you can achieve it. It isn't impossible. :D

And sorry no cool video it didn't load again today. :(

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