Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hey everyone. So today it will be a very short post.
Anyways how are you feeling?
Do you feel scared?
These feelings are something that are good for our survival but they also destroy us. When you have these negative feelings you get a headache, pains, illness, and teeth in pain from all the grinding.
Life is a glorious thing and just makes one feel like that they are worthwhile. And you are because you are alive. Whether your parents are stupid and say your a mistake, it isn't true. You were planned and for them it scares them to admit that they wanted you.
I see all the good that can be in this life. Do you see it? Do you see that beautiful clear blue sky? Do you have that sweet loving dog who runs up to you everyday? The cuddly cat who just wants to curl up in your lap? Or maybe you just have a reason to smile, because you have good health? Or your family is healthy?
Look at your life there is something to smile about.
Now I want to touch on a story I saw of a girl who was bullied.
She was bullied about her ears so her mother wrote into a plastic surgeon to get her ears pinned back. That mother was not smart. You see I was bullied over my overdevoloped breats, in school up till my sophomore year I was a size C. Then my sophomore year I became a size D and my senior year I was a size DD. I was teased about it alot and then my face which had lots of acne from the stress was made fun of. Oh and trust me we tried a lot of different things, but I just learned that if I didn't stress I'd have no acne. And my hair was made fun of because when I just left it alone it was big and bushy.
But my point is is that girl will otherwise now become a bully or the bullies will find another thing about her to make fun of. What you need to do is tell your kids that they are beautiful, build their confidence. Make them shine when they're feeling at their worst. When I got into to college my world changed. All the sudden my hair became beautiful and everyone wanted to touch it, my acne dissappeared completely. My whole body became something I loved and often times I would be told that by just some random person, they would just say you look beautiful.
I knew that I was beautiful, but I also knew that what the bullies said to me hurt. But I turned around what they said to me to in the end benefit me and help my body to radiate what I held close in my heart that whole time. Which was that I was beautiful and nothing could take that away. Parents plastic surgery is stupid and dangerous, unless if your child has a serious problem that could cause more health problems then don't get it. 
And if that doctor who did this truly wanted to help all those with deformities. They would've helped my amazing friend Amy, one side of her face is swollen with blood vessels. But no one can or will fix it. Again you just need to remind your children you are beautiful. I will post next time pictures from back then to show you the difference the realization that I was always beautiful. :D

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