Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I am SO excited for the upcoming Dark Knight Rises movie. The products above are all things I want to have! I love Batman SO much and to know that a new movie is coming out July, 20th, is just awesome!!!
You can call me a geek, nerd, weirdo, meh whatever. I love what I love and that's all there is to it. :D
But anyways the movie looks like it will be really cool. I'm trying to save up some money so I can go see it in 3D since I'm pretty sure it will be absolutley awesome.
But anyways it's a small post since I had a very late night and am just so tired. I'm going to go enjoy playing some Batman Arkham Asylum. :D

Friday, June 29, 2012

So I just got done spending time with my most favorite animals ever! WOLVES!!!
I volunteer at the U.S. Wolf Refuge and it is the best thing for me out of everything. I enjoy going up there and being ransacked by the wolves. Now keep in mind these are rescued wolves. Meaning that they have lived with humans before so they aren't that afraid of humans. If you were ever to meet a wolf in the wild they would avoid you.
Anyways I got give a good rub down to Tully, brushed Nikita's fur and just got several kisses from Shiloh. It is the best being around these guys and getting greeted by howls. I love it especially when I'm so bunched up with stress of money that I grind my teeth to a point that it hurts.
So what is this post about? It's about volunteering.
Right now in this country there is no push to help each other, because well the government should be doing all the helping right? WRONG!
If we as a whole world can't help our fellow man ourselves, not with the government; then how do we expect to help the world?
You see one of my problems with the government giving out freebies is that they aren't even helping us. They are just shoving down our throats what they think will help. But the government can't help us, not in the ways we cry for them to.
We have to help each other. As humans we need to stretch out the hand and help another. Now mind you some will say they don't need help ok, just let them carry on and move on to the next person. What I love seeing is somebody help an elderly woman with her groceries to her car. A person whose car is broken down has a stranger help them fix it. Or even for me I've gone into stores wishing to buy something and a random stranger buys it for me.
These acts are all amazing and special because these people show that they care for their fellow man and not just themselves.
I'm about 24 (in three months) but I love helping another. I love being able to change someones tires. Pay for the person behind me order, or just give an elder my ear so they have someone to talk to. It's just something that makes me feel better and makes the one I helped feel better.
If I'm asked by someone to help I drop everything just to help them. Doesn't matter if I'm late to work or wherever if I can help I will. I think that we as the whole world need to reach out the hand of brotherhood and help one another.
As encouragement reach out a hand today. If you can't find someone to help go help by donating blood, or go to a shelter and love the animals there. You can always do something. So get out there and do it, money can wait but love it can't.
Keep Believeing!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

And I am defiently covered in blood and scars from all the wars I've had to fight with myself and others. These scars are both literal and figurative. Yup I'm going to talk abit about my life.
It's not unique and many have faced the same amount of pain but in very different ways. To start off I went through a roll over accident dealing the death of my Aunt and later my father and Uncle. I was stuck in a hospital where no one visited me until I was to be released. I had to be in a wheel chair for three months. Then on crutches for about one month. My mother was in a hospital for four months (give or take) then she came home stuck in a wheel chair for several more months.
After my father passed away and I was out of my wheel chair I was then bullied. I was bullied emotionally, physically, and sexually. Emotionally for having a father that went to prison, for having zits, for bushy hair, and for a mother who was very kind. Physically for being stubborn and working my legs to become stronger. Sexually for being a Mormon and virgin.
I didn't graduate from high school because of my math profeciences despite my 4.0 gpa. My financial aid for college got messed up so I couldn't finish my Associates that I had started while I was attending high school. I now struggle to make ends meet and try to make a living in some form or another.
Wow, I'm feeling like a really tough girl, but I'm not. At each of these points my heart broke and I just wanted to curl up and die. Call it quits and just be done with it all. But I have a belief that there is something more and so I push to keep on moving forward to get there. I don't know how one can live thinking this life is it and there you go. If I thought that then I'd defiently would've jumped off the bridge. There has to be something more, there just has to be. Otherwise I'll wonder why I fought so hard for nothing in the end.
Not religion is bad not all those who are part of a religion are bad. Belief in something more isn't bad. Heck even if it's the belief of unicorns and lepracuans that isn't bad. Belief is what keeps us strong.
Now before I end this one last thing. You are not sane nor normal. We all have a certain level of insanity it ranges from dangerous to safe. But you carry insanity none the less. Even Batman who fights against Joker admits he is insane.
I embrace my insanity because it helps me to understand others and be ok with who I am. I'm not some freak because I know of my insanity I'm a person who has a safe level of insanity and it won't go into the danger level.
Be okay with who you are how you do things and how you work. That's all that matters you are the best you ever! So don't judge, don't hate, just be you and let others be themselves in a safe way.
Keep Believeing!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sigh, computers are so imperfect. Don't just save one file. Anyways. I will start over. :/

I had posted about my volunteering at the Nevada Humane Society and U.S. Wolf Refuge. I feel the best when I can help others. Being able to reach out a hand to another and help them up makes me feel good and be a better me.
I ugh I can't write it all I'm so mad. It was an amazing post with so much but my computer..........Sigh I'm sorry today there isn't an amazing post. I had saved it was so happy in the end the computer crashed. :/ So I will just be doing this. Here is an awesome video about Jason Todd my most favorite Robin. And a question. But video first.
Keep Beleveing. And I will post tomorrow. :\

So Halloween is coming up and I am trying to decide who I want to go as this year. I'm choosing between my favorite Batman characters. The options are:
1)Batgirl. The one from the 1966 show.

2) Penguin. Female Version.
3)Riddler. Female Version.

4) Last but not least. Joker. Female Version.

If you have a favorite then leave a comment and I will show which I choose from the comments in the post made on Halloween. :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ok, so have you ever just had one of those days were you count how many times you've applied for a job and couldn't get one? Yeah, me too. But I always have some sort of weird hope. I always hope that something will change.
What change am I hoping for? Well it certainly isn't that the government can help us. No not that, it's more that my age group can get the rest to understand that we need to change ourselves!
I remember one show of Batmans it was the third show of Batman 1966. Joker had rigged food machines in a school to produce money. So you put in a dime and you'd get several silver coins. It was easy money because all you did was give a very small amount and you'd get a ton in return.
Batman says this to them when he arrives. "Easy money always means that it's stolen money."
Huh, so what do you think of that? For me I hate having to think that if I don't have a job I'd have to get welfare. Now that's great that I could be help when I'm down and out but to be honest I HATE easy money. I don't want to be handed a check to pay for things I want to work for it. When I work for my money I feel good.
That's why despite the job I have being hard and not paying enough I still appreciate it. I get to work for my money I get to put forth hard work to get a pay check. Now admit you're thinking it would be nice to be a lazy bum, play video games all day or watch TV, eat junk food whenever, and drive a Cadillac or other expensive car, like those few who are handed money without working.
Now I know that not all on welfare are like this. Of course not and I'm not judging those on welfare but I am judging the welfare program. That money even if you don't want to think it is stolen. People in the country are forced to pay their taxes whether they want to or not. It's almost like being forced to hand money over at gun point. Now I know that most of the taxes go to repairing schools, libraries, and streets but to me that should be it. It shouldn't have to go anywhere else. My tax dollars I know I will never get to see again.
But let's jump off the politics. In my mind there is no such thing as easy money and also I don't want to touch a welfare check I'd rather be homeless, and starving then take money that isn't really mine.
So I keep my head up I will make money in a great job and earn an income that will cover my expenses perfectly. I don't want to have to ask for money, I want to earn it. Keep Believeing. :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Me and the best wolves in the world. :D

Sorry for not posting yesterday, it was a VERY full day. But full in a VERY good way. :)
To start off I helped out my local Humane Society with a special event celebrating Bring Your Pet To Work Day which is the fourth Friday of June. I had fun meeting new dogs and people and just sharing information on the benefits of having a pet and how to work through allergies.
My allergies now are pretty much gone, and they were so bad that I would not only have blood shot eyes but a runny nose and hives. Now if they're life threatening I wouldn't but otherwise any one can get over allergies and have a pet.
After that I went to the mall with a friend were I saw a new movie theater. Ever heard of 4D? It's a movie in 3D with motion. This movie theater is a full 365 degree screen with the seats moving around. It looks so awesome and I am saving up to go see one of the movies there.
After that when I went to my car something unexpected happened. A girl had locked her keys in her car and she wasn't from around town. Her home was at least an hour and a half away. She asked if she could use my phone to get help. I allowed her to do so. Now to be honest it's a little scary handing over an expensive smart phone to someone you don't know. But I was grateful to have helped her.
I then went home did my laundry and played some games with another friend before going to bed about 11:00 p.m.
Now my day was started from 8a.m. to 11p.m. That was a full but FUN day.
Now today was pretty interesting and fun. I went up to the U.S. Wolf Refuge to help with the wolves. Upon arriving there me and the staff member saw the house wolves lose. And fear settled in our guts. You see people are more likely to shoot a wolf then see what it really does.
We gathered up three of them with the other three still galavanting around somewhere. I started to feed, water, and clean the kennels for the other wolves giving them some love. When the other three appeared. I was so glad thinking we'd get the rest. Well before I could leave we did get two of them only still stayed away.
I will let you know tomorrow if she got back safely. But anyways the day seemed a little harder with the worry that the wolves might have gotten shot. We understood farmers wanting to protect their livestock. But these guys wouldn't even bother the farmers animals.
So luckily the last one stayed at the house. But anyways that's all that has happened thus far now for my blog.

Many times I feel that this world just hates me. I grew up in the age group that as soon as I went to college the economy crashed and work was REALLY hard to find. My College screwed up my financial aid and I couldn't continue to go since I had no way to pay for it. So I got stuck with a job that is good in heart but in my wallet it hurts alot.
So I keep on trying to apply for a better job and I keep on trying to make a living. I am a published author and had another book on the way, but after I had finished 245 pages of it and was nearly done it was deleted. No one whom I had sent the book too had kept it. I was in sevre pain and just wanted to give up.
I hated everything about me. I should've fought the college to get my financial aid taken care of. I should've made fifty back up files for my book. I should've never been born. These thoughts plague me to no end. I hate were I am going in my life. I have no exit and no back door.
I'm stuck just doing a job that makes me want to quit everyday. Well I have some amazing things that help. The first is music. Amazing and beautiful songs ease my heart into safety. Second Videogames. Just playing a different character for a little bit is amazing and a ton of fun. Third Batman. You should'
ve seen this one coming. :P Fourth my books. Now these aren't just the books I wrote but those written by other famous authors.
Now religious wise there is a lot more and it is much more permanent. I am a Mormon or a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love what this church teaches and for me that is important. Don't tear down this church because I will never tear down what you believe. You can ask my friends who are not of my belief. They will tell you that I am saying the truth.
I just know that we all need an escape and a way to feel better. Remeber we are in the pursuit for happiness. I'll find my happiness will you? Keep Believeing. :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Have you ever just had a day where you just wanted to curl up in the earth and just wait for the end to come?? I have and many times it comes when I get my paycheck.
Money is always such a HUGE issue for me. Doesn't matter how careful I am with my previous paycheck I still end up short when all the bills I need to pay come up. This is the one issue I am having a huge problem with aside from the fact that I have people who are stepping all over me because of my dreams.
The whole paycheck thing though is bearable compared to what I've experienced which I will post the videos I did about my life challenges.
I keep hoping that nothing worse will happen but then there is always something. I just NEVER seem to have enough.
Luckily I have amazing friends since the Government will never help me. In fact what strokes me the most is the mere fact that I have to pay my taxes off in insallments for social security tax. I am only 23 and will never see that money come back to me.
So that is the one thing that I am very begrudgingly paying. The other items that make me sad is my car and phone. I had this great job as a nanny. The parents though asked me to get a new phone and they said to make sure it was a smart phone. So I got my dream phone the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play. They then also said I needed a car that had airbags. I was sharing cars at the time so sometimes I had a car with airbags the other times I didn't. So I bought my little 2007 Ford Focus to do the job. Then no less then a month after all this I got dropped. The reason? I wasn't as open as I should've been and I didn't leave the house SPOTLESS and PERFECT everytime they came home.
Now if a company were to see this and not hire me over it fine. I don't care. I can do an amazing job but when you push a bar up to impossible standards then of course you'll never get that. But that is in the past but the car and phone payments not so much.
Now what is really bothersome about the payments was that I would've gotten a normal phone to text and call. I would've gotten the 2001 Ford Focus, instead of the newer one.
I find what is really bad about this whole situation political wise is that there are those who are getting money for free. You see I went to apply for unemployment and got nothing. I had to beg my family and friends for help, and plead my case to the credit union that had made the loan for my car to skip one payment. I did get a job after two months of being jobless.
But the problem I have is those who just don't seem to want to try. I am a stubborn son of a gun who just wants to shut the world up and prove that I can make it. But I'm not going to have it easy. I want to go to Cosmetology School but can't because it is required by law to have a high school diploma or GED to be Financially funded.
Well I don't have that Diploma. You see when I was going to school I had a great grade point average of a 4.0 I was very smart and passed all my classes starting college my Junior year. But there was a test, these tests are all called something different but they are required in order for you to pass. I failed my math test by 1-3 points. I never seemed to be able to pass. Didn't matter how hard I tried I couldn't pass the freaking test. And a friend who couldn't pass the English test I helped her but then her helping me did nothing.
A few years ago I heard from someone that our Super Intendent probably messed with my paper to make me fail since he hated my guts. I'm not joking this guy hated me. I didn't care I kept trying and then I just went to a college that accepted me because of my grade point average and not my having a diploma. But that schooling ended quickly when my financial aid was screwed up and I had no money to pay for me to go to school.
I was accepted to a fashion and writing school in New York City. Yet I stayed in my home state in the West. Why? Because I always wanted to show the world what the West was made of. I wanted to show everyone that every one of us has a great potential. Don't sit back and just wallow in what others are saying to you.
I just shoved down my friends throats about the college that wanted me to my work of poetry being showcased in the poets hall of fame Washington D.C.
I have already succeeded so I'm just going to step up my game.
Remember there is NOTHING that can hold you back from your dreams. Keep Believeing!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How often do you stifle your creativity? I'm one of those who just recently recieved the harshest reviews ever. These reviews came from my friends. It was that I can not write nor do ANYTHING creative. I wanted to suffocate my work I wanted to destroy what once made me hope and feel happy. As adults we tend to forget that we still HAVE to use creativity.
Math is a very creative subject dealing with making numbers work in such a way that a symbol is made. Science do I even need to say how it's creative? History, English, EVERYTHING!!
We as grown ups put up this barrier of what is creativity and what is logic. We start to make this line that just divides the two and makes one feel I can't be creative and still have a good job.
That is what several of my friends have told me. That drawing up there was one I did back when I was only 17. It is a self portrait and I love it now. But back then I hated my art work because others did as well. You see another thing that makes people hate your creativity is when you self teach it.
I took a few classes but never really listened I just did it my self. I did what should be the way of all learning, trial and error. I would try to copy another artists work. I would try to get it as pixel perfect as I could. Then when I felt I did my best my friends would grab it and share it with everyone. These were friends who actually saw me going somewhere with what I loved to do.
Now a days my friends do not see creativity taking you anywhere. You have to get a job you hate work it and barely make ends meet.
Is that what you really want? One of the hardest things to get over is criticism. But for me criticism outside of friends and family is easy to deal with. Cause I gave them no right to hurt me, so they can't. But my friends and family I did so when they say something that blatantly says I am a terrible writer, artist, singer, and dancer. It hurts.
But I learned one thing my friends if they ever say that then I'm just never going to call them a friend anymore. I will completely drop them and forget them as a friend.
May seem harsh but if they are going to be harsh to you then you have to leave them. I don't want to give them permission to hurt me anymore. I want to be free to follow my dreams because I can. A writing school in New York City LOVED my writing and had asked me to join them. I have the ability to be amazing.
So do you feel that way too? Look in the mirror and tell yourself I can do whatever I want there is nothing that can stop me. Keep Believing.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ah, the good old Batman shows. Yup these were the first Batman shows to appear back in 1966. Now I was born in the late 80's so I never saw this in it's prime. But TV Land would do re-runs of it and my father who loved Batman would enjoy the shows. I'd remembered it was the few times that I would force my little four year old eyes to stay open.
I always loved Batman and many people do since he has had several videogames made and movies and TV shows. Now it seems kind of funny that so many of us who hate the millionares and such really can't hate Batman even though he admits himself that he is just a rich kid with issues, LOT's of issues.
But I think that last part is what makes us all love him so much. Someone who became an orphan in one night watching his parents be killed in cold blood. Having to learn how to survive at a young age with the help of Jim Gordon and his Butler Alfred.
I can not even imagine watching both of my parents be shot right in front of me. That is something that I'm sure most of us would go insane over. Yet Bruce (If you didn't know Batman was Bruce what are you doing here? lol) who has gone insane has kept it well controlled. He uses his insanity to figure out the criminals he fights.
When my father passed away, I felt a deeper connection with my favorite super hero. The loss of a loving parent is hard to get over and can be sufficating. But seeing how Batman could still move forward with his life after the tragedy he experienced it made me realize I can do the same.
Now I'm no millionare in fact I earn a lot less then what I need. So I have to recieve help from friends and family. But in my mind I can be a lot like Batman in caring about others and forgetting myself for the greater good. Batman has always been my hero.
I now own a Xbox360 with the game Batman Arkham Asylum. I love being able to come home from a bad day at work and do some challenges on the game.
I believe in myself even though I'll NEVER be a Batman(girl) I can still look to him as an example. He is a great hero to look to. He has a lot of insight and always willing to help those in need.
May we be more like Batman. Or Flash who just knows that life needs more optimisim in it. :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Oh how much life bites. Admit it we ALL feel that way. Yes even the rich cats in the banks feel this way. Astonishing?? Not so much. You see I have learned a lot about my life and how it works. I learned this through my books and through the many other amazing stories, comics, and videogames.
You see everyone has a rotten life in some form or another. More often then not for those of us who don't even have a good job or even a job we just don't feel that way. We get very self absorbed. It has to be about you else you won't survive right?
I'm one of those who finds the whole end of the world thing to be fascinating. How will we treat each other when the world ends? I'm pretty sure it will be us as wild animals but worse. We will kill anything and anyone, and will eat whatever there is. We'll threaten others and there will be a rise of kidnappings. But I also know that there are lots of good people who will stop those who are going to lose their minds to I need to survive. I understand the whole needing to survive thing but doesn't scare you that maybe you'll become the maniac who kills others just so your survival rate goes up?
I do and so I have done alot of different things to better understand where my head is really at. Am I just fully self absorbed with my self? I'd like to think that I'm not but every time I get my pay check I panic. I have a car, rent, utilities, phone, and a cat to pay for. And then I wonder about food as to if I'll have enough.
You see I'd be able to survive if I lived in the forest and just hunted and grew my own food. BUT we can't hunt without a license and you can't just live in the forest. So I began to become self absorbed. How is so and so able to get a better job then me when I have the experience??
I discovered that we are all at some point or another going to be self absorbed. Stupid I know but still. It is true. We have it in our blood our survival comes first. You, yourself, are the most important person in your life. Even after you have kids and find your love you still will have a survival tick that will make you hesitate just long enough to have your life flicker before your eyes.
Wanting to survive and being self absorbed isn't bad, but I learned that I've lost most of that since I started to volunteer. I volunteer at my local Humane Society and the U.S. Wolf Refuge. Also my job is another one working with disabled people.
When you do let go your body responds to protecting others more then it self. I discovered this upon counting all the scars I had. I have a lot, and most come from helping others, dealing with a vicious dog, and just helping another to have a good time.
My scars make me smile cause the remind me that I wasn't self absorbed at that time. Now I'm just blabbering but I have to share my thoughts and feelings. I have to know more about myself where do I belong and where am I going.
Thanks for reading leave a comment if you want.