Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, June 28, 2012

And I am defiently covered in blood and scars from all the wars I've had to fight with myself and others. These scars are both literal and figurative. Yup I'm going to talk abit about my life.
It's not unique and many have faced the same amount of pain but in very different ways. To start off I went through a roll over accident dealing the death of my Aunt and later my father and Uncle. I was stuck in a hospital where no one visited me until I was to be released. I had to be in a wheel chair for three months. Then on crutches for about one month. My mother was in a hospital for four months (give or take) then she came home stuck in a wheel chair for several more months.
After my father passed away and I was out of my wheel chair I was then bullied. I was bullied emotionally, physically, and sexually. Emotionally for having a father that went to prison, for having zits, for bushy hair, and for a mother who was very kind. Physically for being stubborn and working my legs to become stronger. Sexually for being a Mormon and virgin.
I didn't graduate from high school because of my math profeciences despite my 4.0 gpa. My financial aid for college got messed up so I couldn't finish my Associates that I had started while I was attending high school. I now struggle to make ends meet and try to make a living in some form or another.
Wow, I'm feeling like a really tough girl, but I'm not. At each of these points my heart broke and I just wanted to curl up and die. Call it quits and just be done with it all. But I have a belief that there is something more and so I push to keep on moving forward to get there. I don't know how one can live thinking this life is it and there you go. If I thought that then I'd defiently would've jumped off the bridge. There has to be something more, there just has to be. Otherwise I'll wonder why I fought so hard for nothing in the end.
Not religion is bad not all those who are part of a religion are bad. Belief in something more isn't bad. Heck even if it's the belief of unicorns and lepracuans that isn't bad. Belief is what keeps us strong.
Now before I end this one last thing. You are not sane nor normal. We all have a certain level of insanity it ranges from dangerous to safe. But you carry insanity none the less. Even Batman who fights against Joker admits he is insane.
I embrace my insanity because it helps me to understand others and be ok with who I am. I'm not some freak because I know of my insanity I'm a person who has a safe level of insanity and it won't go into the danger level.
Be okay with who you are how you do things and how you work. That's all that matters you are the best you ever! So don't judge, don't hate, just be you and let others be themselves in a safe way.
Keep Believeing!

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