Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Batman Comic Panel 5x5 Coffee Mug
Batman Comic Panel 5x5 Coffee Mug by batman
Make logo mugs online.

Hey world how is life going?
Life is going ok for me. Aside from a small sinus problem. But I'm doing ok. Why ok? I just thought about the guy whom I'm dating.
Did you know the biggest fear for many is falling in love and getting married? Want to know why? It's because of the highest divorce rate and births that happen out of wed-lock. 
Now I find it very amazing when people are able to get over their fears of love and marriage.
Now am I saying this guy is afraid of that? No cause I haven't asked but I have had many friends who fear marriage and love though. 
So this is for you who are afraid. I haven't had a broken heart because I haven't fallen in love with anyone yet. Starting to with this guy whether he knows it or not.
But I know one thing fear stops many from wanting to follow their dreams. For me marriage is very easy and tons of fun. But getting my book published and getting it onto the Top 10 Best Sellers, terrifies me. Why? Well because my books are very precious to me and if they weren't to do well I would cry.
In the end I hope that I can get over this fear completely. I just hope that when I talk to the guy it will be a very simple answer and just him working out his feelings for me is all. I just hope that because I really like him. Sigh, anyways, hopefully it will be a wonderful time and Christmas. So have a great week you guys.

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