Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

So it seems


So I decided to start reading again the problem, I get so into the story that when I come back to reality I just want to cry. Recently I was getting more and more better from the bad experience I had with the monster, (as he will now be called.) But I know that my heart and body still are afraid of letting a man touch me.
You see I thought about being able to kiss another man again, and my heart froze. I guess I still have a way to go to repair everything, while the monster doesn't seem to need that. He has gone over to BYU in Provo, UT and already found a girl. Why is it he can't learn? I thought about that a lot.
A recent song I love is by Natalia Kills: Zombie. I'm in love with a zombie, but his heart is so cold! Does he want for my body, or does he want me for my brains, brains, brains, brains.
Just those two lyrics described my time with the monster. Now I am not thinking bad of him, ok no I am. I just want to never go near him ever again. You see falling in love with a zombie isn't good I became very ill, I couldn't think, and I couldn't feel love...just fear.
And now he just is so easily back in the dating world? I just pray no other girl will get hurt. Anyways, I should just forget but dang it's harder than I thought. Anyways I am very much enjoying Devil May Cry and will post two videos of my playthrough down below.
I hope you all are finding strength somewhere. :D

Double Tap Tee Shirt
Double Tap Tee Shirt by akdream
Look at more Zombies T-Shirts at zazzle

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