Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

You gotta just relax.

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Have you taken that one day to just sit and be at peace? Have you just taken a moment to do nothing but to just sit still and think? Most likely you said no.
Life tends to be very hectic. We need to eat quickly, get work finished, go home and work some more, and then with reluctance go to sleep. You crawl into bed having your brain still run at a thousand miles per hour, thinking of what you could've done differently. You then probably beat yourself up over it. Oh, if only you didn't have the job you do. If only your kids would understand that you're busy and do not have any time for them. If only your wife would have a bigger dinner prepared, or the nanny would stay all day to just cook for you and your wife.
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe we are not as busy as we claim? I have, many times we get into this mind set of I'm too busy. I need to go to work/school, get home and do more work to pursue what I want to do, check up on friends and family on social networks, and then maybe some TV just before going to bed. Have you ever taken one entire day, out of your week to just go sit in nature?
Gardening is a great thing to do, you take the whole day to just sit out there in nature, your hands working in the dirt. You block out all distractions and focus on tending to your lovely garden. The bees are your friends, the earthworms are helping hands, and you just enjoy being dirty and smelling the sweet smell of the earth.
When you take the chance to completely forget the world(or what we claim is the world) and just listen we hear and understand more. Now have you ever just wanted a time where you could find freedom? Don't let money be your captor, let it be your friend. Money is not a need but a welcome help to meet your needs. I think the biggest problem is this, we are merely focusing on the money.
Money is what we see those who live in big houses, drive nice cars, and just never seem to struggle for want. They always have it all right? Wrong, let me explain, if I could and if I was brave enough, I'd live alone in the woods. My Grandfather on my Dad's side  did that. He loved it and I loved visiting him. It was so nice to be up in the woods, surrounded by trees and just hearing nothing but nature. No cars, no phones, it was nice.
I promise that if you take a moment to forget the world you will be able to better understand yourself.

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