Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, August 3, 2012

Batman Drip Logo T Shirt
Batman Drip Logo T Shirt by batman
See other Freshman T-Shirts

Life is so interesting. As is God(or what you believe in).
I went hiking last night with a group of friends to a very nice hut. We had s'mores and had fun talking for hours and then hiked back. I didn't realize how hard it would be on me but I was very glad to have done it.
I thought about the struggle and challenge I had to do to make it in that hike. I did it and I realized that I can do what I'm most scared of. I can keep my job and I can get a better job. :)
I'm always so hopeful for good things to happen and then I watch the Batman shows my most favorite being this one.
This episode has Batgirl saving herself. Which was rare in these shows since Batman and Robin usually were the ones who knew what their arch fiends were plotting.
I realized that many times we don't know how something will go in lfie. We just have to believe that it will all work out and in the end we will be fine. So keep stepping forward.

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