Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dynamic Duo Tees
Dynamic Duo Tees by dgdzines
More Dynamic duo T-Shirts

Hey everyone.
Have you ever just wanted to enjoy helping others and not have to stress over helping yourself? I do, I love being able to help others and have it help me in the end. But yet I can't just live without money because I also need to help myself.
But today I will get to give up some of the thoughts of just having to help me to go and help others. I volunteer at the U.S. Wolf Refuge. It is a wonderful time to be able to do that.
Anyways I think that if we could help others more then life would be a whole lot better and we could do all that we needed to get done. But right now in this life we worry about me, me, me. 
Anyways it is up to you but this Halloween I am asking  a bunch of my friends to dress up as superhero's. I want us to be a hope for people. That was what all the superhero's were made for was to give us hope, a smile. :)
I also want to go to the hospital's, I was thinking of buying several comics to donate to them so they could have them in their waiting rooms or just be avaliable for the children and adults to read when they have to be in the hospital.
I want everyone to have hope. Batman and Robin always gave me that hope. They were/are my hope in everyday life. When I need a good laugh I go to good old Flash, when I need a partiot to remind how great this country is I go to Superman and Wonderwoman. And when I need someone who reminds me that inner strength is beautiful I go to Hawkgirl and African American Green Lantern. :D
Look for one superhero who gives you hope. Leave a comment below of why they give you that hope.

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