Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Good day.
Today I just want to talk for a bit about what I have been struggling with for a while. So how would you say that you need to do to make a living?
1. Have a high school diploma at least, to earn more get a college degree.
2. Always remember you have to start off small before you can make more.
3. If you're not working hard than you're doing something wrong.
4. You will never be good enough to make the same amount as your doctor, lawyer, boss, or favorite celebrity.
Does that sound about right to you?
I have done none of these. I don't have a diploma and I don't plan on getting a college degree. Why do I feel this way?
Because this is how everyone that only makes 25,000 to 50,000 dollars a year think. I want to be one of those who makes 1,000,000,000 dollars a year. And I know I can, how and in what way no clue but I know I can. Anyways, on my last blog I had promised you my video. Here it is:
I will post the second part on tomorrows blog. But anyways I feel that we need to be more confident with ourselves. Bruce Wayne who is Batman isn't shown very often being a very charitable man, most people judge him because he is rich.
Admit it you hate rich people. And do you know why? Because you feel that since they are the ones with all the money that you'll never make enough. That is a big fat lie.
More often then not in the way that we are as humans we always want to blame somebody for something. If your relationship isn't good it's your partners fault, if you failed that test in class it's the teachers fault, if you haven't been miraculously healed it's the doctors fault.
But in all of these it is a two sided coin. Meaning that yes for all of those the other party is at fault but only for a little part. You are the majority at fault.
We are always the ones who make it impossible for oruselves to move forward.
If your not making enough it's the Governments fault, or the banks CEO's fault. But in reality you are at fault.
Now let that go, stop being angry and just relax. Close your eyes and imagine all that you really want.
The money, the relationship, the health. To be honest you don't need any help but just help from God or the Universe.
You need to focus on what you want ignore the background noise of this or that being due and just focus on what you REALLY WANT!
There is no difference between a want and a need. For example, you need food correct? Well let's say you would want to be able to eat at the finest restuarants around the world, you'd say that was a want and not needed, but it is food  and food is a need, so doesn't that make that want a need? You see in the higher power whether you believe it's God or the Universe or whatever they don't have a definition for what is a want and what is a need. They see only a need in everything.
Today put out an order for what you want. That ferrari or the 500,000 dollar house. Just put that order out there then focus on what it would be like having that. It will come, trust me. :)

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