Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, July 27, 2012

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So today I should be moving but none the less you need an awesome post. :D
Did you know one of my most favorite Justice League shows was one about them all coming together and celebrating Christmas? Wanna know why I love it so much? Justice League was never afraid to put in the full holiday of Christmas, nor were they ever afraid to respect the American flag, have the pledge allegiance, or even In God We Trust.
It was a show unafraid to show the values America was based upon. I understand and get that we have many new nationalities here in this grand country. But we still have our culture and background. We shouldn't have to change it just because someone disagrees.
I don't remember the U.S. ever saying if you move into our borders you must forget all you had in your country and do what we do. I just remember us saying this is what we believe here if you choose to follow it that's fine. If not that is fine also.
What makes me so sad is that in this country if you have a belief you have to shut up about it if it conflicts with anothers.
I have several homosexual friends. I love them and they love me. But I won't vote yes for them to be able to get married. And they respect my belief of not wanting to. They never call me rude names nor say anything hurtful. They understand and respect it.
That is how we should be as a nation. Understanding of each other's beliefs, rather then tearing the other down for what they believe.
We are a nation of freedom let that ring out loud and clear. We should not block anyone from believeing what they want. May that always ring true.

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