Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Find more famous art prints on Zazzle

Ah the Justice League. Twas the best cartoon I can remember and still love to this very day. :3 Batman is pretty much the leader with the others there to offer advise support and help. It's truly wonderful and they showed Las Vegas in one of their episodes. It was back in a time where Vegas and Reno two cities of my home state got some notice.
The Avengers were cool and I won't deny that but my heart always enjoyed DC much more. I would love to see them make a movie for the Justice League, to bring back to life Superman, Aqua Man, The Flash, Wonder Woman, and Hawk Girl!! I really hope they do it would be the most amazing thing ever.
Plus it would give Marvel a run for their money since the Justice League was a show that most of us 90's kids grew up with. Anyways enjoy the rest of this show and the other cool items I found of the Justice League. :)

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