Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hey guys. So this is going to be a short post since I'm still dizzy. Yesterday I nearly passed out. And I'm still very dizzy and unsteady. But anyways, I've had an enjoyable fourth. I got to relax and play some games and watch some Batman. :3
But most of all I sold another of my zombie bumper stickers. :)
I had made this sticker back when I was being tailed and I just thought, you know if I had a zombie in my trunk all I'd have to do is press the trunk button and send the zombie flying at the tailgater. I then drew the picture and thought up the words. And there is is. Now it isn't perfect but I think it's funny.
And so do many others. I also was in a zombie promo video. I'm the one in the hoodie. :) Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend. :D

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