Music Is My Love

Music Is My Love
from my collection

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Shadows Belong To Me Shirt
The Shadows Belong To Me Shirt by darkknightrises
See other Freshman T-Shirts

Hello everyone.
So today this is going to be a very short blog post. I have training at work and so I must go. But I needed to do a small post. On the one who helps relieve all my stress Batman. :)
I really have had a lot of stress as of recent what with training going on at work to just trying to get another job to finally cover all my bills. And yet in my heart I have this fond hope that everything will work out well. I'm trying to count my pennies to see if I can afford the awesome game Batman Akham City. So I will have a ton more to write at that time.
But anyways I keep a hope in my heart that everything will work out for the good of things and I will be able to do all that is needed of me to do.
I'm strong stubborn girl who loves Batman.

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